Republican’s care deeply about “voter fraud”. This is an epidemic
By “epidemic”, I mean all “.00004%” of it. You’re more likely to be
(“It’s eeeeeeeevil”)
attacked by a great white shark…while being struck by lightening
at the exact the same time, than experience in person voter fraud
Since 2000, there have been 13 cases of in person voter fraud. 13!
We got 146 million registered voters. There have been 600 million
(oh jeeeez)
votes or there about since 2000. Death by vending machine has 10
X the amount of cases with 130 deaths since 2000. Now; the GOP
would never dream of voter suppression of our Democratic process
just because they felt without it Obama would win big. They would
not EVER create these laws to directly even out the odds that Mitt
(Oh shit)
can get closer by cheating citizens voting rights in our constitution
The Republican party’s entire platform IS voter suppression. Listen
to founding GOP dude Paul Weyrich who explained their goal here:
“I don’t want everybody to vote. Elections are not won by a majority
of people. They never have been from the beginning of our country.
Our leverage quite candidly goes up, as voting populus goes down”
(“Pretty clear”)
Well, you might say, “But John, honestly, would Republican’s really
fucking do that type of evil, disgusting, hateful shit? Don’t they even
have some sort of standards of American decency? Don’t they?”. No,
they don’t. You want to hear it first hand? Then listen to Mike Turzai
(“I’m a dick, DONE”)
“Voter ID, which is going to allow Romney to win our state, DONE”
He is Pennsylvania’s Republican majority leader. The truly sad part?
The judge in Pennsylvania UPHELD it? WTF?!?! When you can’t win
the votes of the poor, black people, youths, middle class, or urbanites
The answer’s simple. Then don’t let em fucking vote, problem solved
Clay Akin’s Insane Uncle Todd Knows All About “Rape”
Turns out Missouri Republican candidate running for Senate has this
problem. About the horrible act of “rape”, he thinks “If it’s a legitimate
rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down”
(You fucking moron)
Oh, yes, the old “Biology Emergency Shut Down Button” we all have
Oh, it’s gets worse. This is the part that is hatefully disgusting to all:
“1st of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape]
is really rare”. If you call 32,000 per year “rare”? I think those women
(“Eat me ladies!”)
might like to have a word with you. They’ll strap on rusty metal spikes
& kick you on your penis 50 times. When you howl they’ll say, “If it’s a
legitimate groin kick, the male body has ways to shut down the pain”
He thinks if a women gets raped, she must legally keep the child. Oh
(“There’s rape, & rape rape”)
that makes no fucking sense at all. Yes, see when you get raped, it is
vital you carry that reminder of evil hate, & your sexual safety being
ripped from you forever to term. Oh, & NO, it’s won’t cause you any
mental or grave psychological effects that could lead to depression or
even suicide from being forced to have the baby of the person who
(so long election)
RAPED YOU. See, according to Dr. Fuckface, your “ovaries” were
“just asking for it”. This man or anyone who remotely holds any of
these ignorant insane hateful views should be NOWHERE NEAR a
position of power, or influence. He should take a fucking 6th grade
Biology class. He did finally say, “I misspoke”. Which we all know by
now really means, “I accidentally said exactly what I think”. FIDIOT
RIP Tony Scott
Director of The Last Boyscout, Top Gun, & many many more is dead
he jumped off a bridge. That sucks. It appears he had terminal cancer
(Pretty “gay” scene)
What a shitty way to go. Meh, he did try to put some “flair” into it all
but next time, please don’t jump from a freaking bridge. It’s oddly sad
Have a day!