Not only is their Term already over, the Raw, Honest anger in all voters
(Who were ALL Warned Non-Stop) Are PISSEDOff . “Townhalls” for all Republican’s Who are Supposed to Represent Their Voters are Ceding their power to orange man & Musk This’ll get Worse For these Traitors
by the day who’s “Approval ratings” are Plummeting into the f’ing toilet And, going down faster w/each day NOTE: Ex-NFL Kicker Chris Kluwe Did what ‘Hero’s’ do, they Stand up to racist Fascist bully’s . And he used his 1st Amendment right to do it More “Americans” Like him Will rise Up each day as is their right to do Have A Weekend!
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Orange Fascist Nazi/Musk ‘Siding’ with Putin/Russia is Exactly What I Warned
voters they’d do & now its here. What we can’t forgive are ALL the Spineless traitor R’s who support/aid/do nothing To Stop This/THEM. Mark My Words, & Mark Them Well; Putin/Russia Will Not
win, they will lose badly. Which means History will Hold Those ‘Maga Traitors’ (All the R’s) accountable For Their Evil actions. There’s nothing they can ever do to change that. The time to do it is
now. Side with Ukraine , history will see you well. Don’t, and be Shamed forever NOTE: VA Republican Glenn Youngkin, is Eating Maga Shit From Citizens Who have been Fired for NO reason. Well well, He Then supported Trump meaning he told Voters to go fuck Themselves Have A Day!
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Two planes crashed today in ArizonaKilling Two People . OMG! This Is ALL
‘Preventable’ & Orange Traitor Along W/Duffy are Directly Responsible In EVERY way firing FAA Air traffic folks Republican’s/orange Ass/Musk/maga are ALL to blame here for everything going sideways. They don’t at all get
WHAT ‘Government’ Even Does, But Had To CUT It. They’ve Taken A BIG sledgehammer to safety/regulations And During their “Collapse”, Orange Ass Goes ‘Full Russian Puppet/Putin ass boy’ . It’s Russian propaganda, &
Directly makes him/R’s who support him Traitors by definition. F’ing shits NOTE: Judge Chutkan sets trap for Musk/Orange Anus Nixing a temporary restraining order. She Will Then put In A “Permanent Injection” If All These Maga shits Want To commit Illegal crimes Have A Day!
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Here’s an iron clad law of physics“Reaction Force” is where for any
“Action” There Is an Equal and all Opposite “Reaction”. In Layman’s Terms FOFO. The ‘Maga World’, isturnin on Trump/Musk for 1 main Reason: THEY are All getting hurt Make No Mistake Here, they’re all
Immoral hateful soulless bastards They Were ALL up for Harming all the other People, That’s just Fine! Now we have another plane crash (that could’ve been prevented) so naturally Media will cover it as the
fault of the FAA Firings? No?! Fuck that’s wrong. The Criminal failures NOTE: Judge Blocks illegal DOJ ‘Pressure Move’ with Eric Adams case Dismissal Ooooooooooooooops. This is the just the beginning of this shit , mark my words Have A Day!
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When Criminal Felons Get Power, they commit more crimes. Pretty
simple shit here. The Only Thing is…we have Federal Courts, laws & Judges Who Enforce Them for a living. And they’re losing every“ruling” with more to come Daily
See, There’re Checks & Balances in Government. So if they ignore the Courts, Welcome to Find Out ‘Town’, Population you. Criminals are gonna “Crime” & cops are all
gonna do their thing. So the more Crimes They Try, ‘Bigger’ The Pain NOTE: Maga morons fire all the Nuclear Tech’s in a lunatic move Then in panic mode tried to find them to hire back but can’t . Ooooooooooops. Ya dumbfucks Have A Day!
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Orange fat Fascist is trying to do What He Lied About Biden Doing
He’s Trying to Use The DOJ As Acrimey illegal Extortion shit . It’s as Serious As Shit gets. And the ‘elected’ maga Ag’s office peoplejust QUIT over NY Mayor Adams trying to Bury His Crimes. This’ll
end badly for all these Criminals ‘Traitor’ “Scumbags” Gotta All Go NOTE: Bondi just tried to “sue the state of NY” in an frivolous Immigration Bully move That’s 100% show & ZERO Legal Weight . This Ends Badly For all Of Them! Have A Weekend!
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Ukraine must be Supported & Aided in Their just Defense of
Putin/Russia’s Illegal invasion Orange Traitor’s now doin the the Exact Opposite . And Now, with comrade Tulsi in her spot it Makes Things, Twice As Bad
It will take Brave leaders in all of Government to rise Up, and ‘Expose’ them All. For If we do Not, there’ll be no government left standin after all of this Shit
Maga is Looking to bring Down the entire country. No way pal! NOTE: Cook County Juvenile Detention Centers sexually Assaulted & abused those place in their care. This is disgusting, evil, vile shit Throw the entire Legal system and jail at the monsters responsible Have A Day!
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When the Pope Of The Entire Catholic church in Vatican City gives you a big
warning …best take heed. Stern finger Wagging Won’t Do a F’ing Thing Here to Deter these immoral ghouls. And it Won’t Change The Price Of Eggs That are rising or inflation that’s gettin way
Worse. Biden’s Gone Fucko, That’s All On YOUR Orange Felon Fat Fascist ass The pain These monsters will cause to the very voters who asked for this shit is chilling. Welp, while my heart breaks
& it does. Your stupid ass wasn’t gonna find out any other damn way. Ooooooof NOTE: “Turncoat” Tulsi Gabbard Was Just Confirmed DNI Head . OMG! Well, just track her devices, she’ll have enough crimes she committed Have A Day!
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Federal Courts & Judges Are LegallyMoving “Rapidly” , even as slow Our
system Tends to go. This likely Ends With, ‘Many Maga Minons’ Around injail/fined/contempt . So until I see it, I refuse to ever believe Orange felon will EVER be legally held accountable No court/judge has done it Time and
time again. If they don’t, we got norule of law . Seems the main idea is for Maga to commit so many crimes so Rapidly, they Can’t be Busted for all of them? Guess they’re not at all familiar with How Courts/Laws Work
Think Of It like A Tab That You Keep wracking Up……….until the bill is due NOTE: Bannon pleads GUILTY which is just One of MANY Maga Criminal Fucks are all in The Find Out Phase of the program. More will be coming by the days Have A Day!
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Well well a Gaggle of Nazi’s tried To “March” In Cincinnati, OH. Oh
boy, the black community wasn’thavin’ it . In fact, they ran all the goofy ass Nazi’s outta town. Ohh how lovely. And it just Didn’t stop there. They took their racist flags,
Burned Them & Found Their cars To smash Them Up . GTFO Nazi’s! And also Maga is Legally “Finding Out” & they deserve it all. FederalJudges aren’t fucking around and
you criminal shits are now in Deep Legal Hell of your own Crimes . Ha! NOTE: Orange Felon has clear Dementia Symptoms While trying to speak with reporters when his mushy brain snapped . He’s not gonna last a year Have A Day!
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