Archive for November, 2009

Obama To Star…

November 17th, 2009

In the film Matrix IV-Healthcare Rebooted… (“Watch me throw Obama!”) Obama was in Singapore on what I guess is a press junket for the film… Sweep the leg Barack. We still know he’s not the master of his own dojo… (Multiple “yous” can kick your own ass?) That’s Michelle. What I’d like to see is […]

“Hello Ohio!”…

November 16th, 2009

Was what rocker Bruce Springsteen said to a crowd… While standing in Auburn Hills Michigan… (Oh no…) Brucey, Brucey, Brucey. In all fairness, his brain was still actually in Ohio… Yes, you’re the still “The Boss”, but you’re fired from “shout out” duties… (Thank you Holland…I mean Michigan!) Jeez man, next time, please just take […]

Falin’ Palin…

November 14th, 2009

Is salin’ on the SS Factless Dipshit. Going Rogue? More like Going Rouge… (“My nose is this long”) You should be red in the face with your book mostly being factually incorrect… Is this a surprise? (Page 5 is a “Snowmobiling Todd Maze”) -She criticizes Obama for pushing through a bailout that was actually achieved […]

Prejean Tells Larry King Off…

November 13th, 2009

FINALLY! That little kind nice television interviewer totally had it coming… (Clearly I’m a super jerk) I mean, when you think of the face of pure evil; you think Larry King, right? Welp, our lil’ dipshit princess of poop Prejean, decided to dig her hole deeper… (Nice) By telling Larry off during his own show, […]


November 12th, 2009

Of 1st degree douchebaggery… (Hope one of these opens the cell door) Balloon Boy’s parents are guilty. No surprise. We knew this. The charge against Richard Heene carries a possible sentence of two to six years in state prison and a fine of up to $500,000, prosecutors said. His wife could face up to six […]

Happy Veterinarians Day!

November 11th, 2009

(Let’s sell it to a Chinese Restaurant) *Someone pulls John aside, and explains to him that it’s Veteran’s Day* Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…that makes more sense… (Lock-n-load) And me, a total moron… Here’s to you in uniform and those who served! (True!) You better get the day off to boot or that double sucks… Have a day!

Rurpret Murdoch…

November 10th, 2009

Thinks Glenn Beck is right. Obama is a “racist”… (Oh, ello mate!) An interviewer was talking with Murdoch stating, “Glenn Beck who you mentioned has called Barack Obama a racist, and he helped organize a protest against him and others on Fox have likened him (Obama) to Stalin is that…” Murdoch replies: “No, no, no, […]

Sammy Sosa is…

November 9th, 2009

White? (White-ish) I guess This Is It for him… People close to him said it was, Skin Rejuvenation. That’s all fine & good, but if he starts having sleep overs with kids, watch out… He looks a little like grandpa Munster…   Sorry so short and so late, but I still love you baby. I’d […]

Quick News…

November 7th, 2009

-CONWAY, S.C. – A man caught having sex with a horse in a South Carolina stable has been sentenced to three long years in prison. His lawyer had no comment… (It starts at an early age) The man even took a photo of the event, then had it mounted. He also claimed it was stall […]

Hand Jobless…

November 6th, 2009

I know what you’re thinking, it’s a cheap way to start off a bit about the unemployment rate hitting 10%. You know what? You’re totally fucking right… (Lola is Hand Jobless) But there’s actually a reason. Follow me on this. If people are unemployed, then people don’t get, use, and buy things they normally do. […]

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