Snow big deal! (Yippie! Death driving) Most people don’t want 10 inches. Unless you’re a porn star or have a vagina the size of the Holland tunnel. At that point, anything smaller is like driving a bike in it… You won’t even touch the walls… The Midwest is getting hammered with snow and wind chills […]
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Now it’s just convincing the rest in congress to do the same… (Senator Byron Dorgan quits) Zing! We need new blood. People with vision, not cataracts, potato sized prostates… And people whose fucking votes aren’t already owned… (Smooth baby, real smooooooth) One is Senator Chris “AIG lapdog fart hammock” Dodd, so that’s good news… All […]
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He married a woman… (“You’re a fuckin’ riot Bolger!”) Funny, I had him pegged for “gay”. But hey, no worries… I guess he can dodge a wrench and a ball, but not marriage… (Stand back. I do!) Kind of gives a whole different meaning to the movie title “Swingers” now Hope this girl knows what […]
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Noice! During her Stew Years Eve coverage for CNN, she called “Balloon Boy” Falcon… (Happy Falcon New Year!) “Falcon? Fuckin’? How do you say it?”… No big deal. I love how the media tries to yell at us as if shit like this is serious or important… But when a passenger thwarts a terrorist attack […]
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Claims he had “chest pains”. Odd, how can he have em when he has no heart? (Me loud & not very nice) He’s like the Tin Man only less metallic and a way bigger dickhole… He “Faked his heart attack”, like Michael J. Fox “Faked Parkinson’s”… (Rush’s cat Cigar) He’s a loud, lying, hate-filled douche […]
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