
April 14th, 2010

Nadia Bloom is 11. She is autistic.

She got lost in a alligator infested swamp for 4 days. Somehow she lived…

nadia-bloom-held.jpg(We got ya!)

She was on a nature walk, then got lost. She suffers from an autism-related syndrome known as Asperger’s.  Those who suffer from Apserger syndrome typically have clumsy physical movements and atypical use of language

People lost in swamps also suffer from being viewed as “Food” Syndrome…

gator-whisper.jpg(After this she was “One Hand Jan”)

Amazing things do happen. Like me having sex with another woman without having to pay them lots of $, or hitting the toilet when I sit down to make a poopy

From now on, I’m calling her “The Gator Whisper”…

Mostly because I’m a grown child, and she’s cool as shit…

Insane Guy Does Awesome Jon Voight Impression

Killer Voight impression guy says, “Little by little, he(The POTUS) rapes this nation. Taking down our defenses. Making new language for the Islamic extremists”

jon-voight-anaconda.jpg(Nice Anaconda impression)

Watch here

See what you people don’t remotely understand is, according to Jon impression guy, Robin Hood was an evil lying asshole that poisons people, while the Sherriff Of Nottingham was a good “Real ‘Merican” who helped the kingdom

voight-stock-up-on-ammo.jpg(Stocking up on Tea Bagging ammo Jon?)

This guy’s nuttier than my poop after eating 3lbs of cashews…

Have a day!

2 Responses to “Master-Gator!”

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