Hold on a minute here, the Bangles predicted it in their 1980’S hit? (Where are your sticks of fire?) Just look at the lyrics: All the old paintings on the tomb They do the sand dance doncha know Mubarak’s a dick(oh whey oh) They’ll topple it like a domino (It’s a look) And the bazaar […]
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No, not this guy… (Lips, haunting me) This guy… (“Suck it playas!”) The Supreme Court overturned the lower court, and got him on… Yet some say they didn’t trust the make-up of the Illinois Supreme Court (What bro, don’t be hatin) I think Carol Moseley just “Braun’ed” in her $250 pants… Aretha Franklin and Carol […]
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Glenn Beck is sort of like (Yummy!) That kid in your class who mocked other races Had a 7 IQ, and farted in his hand to smell it… (Come on buddy) He’s so “Red Scare 1960’s”; which still wasn’t even popular then either… Glenn Beck is just like Obi Wan Kenobi If Obi Wan was […]
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Was it just me, or did the 3 shot look like… (Light, darker, darkest) It was a new “Tan-O-Meter” from left to right “Go from 1 to 10 in three easy steps” Obama said, “We do big things” Ah yes, the ol’ “Penis Swinging State Of The Union” tone… It was right, needed, but really […]
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Relax, it’s not really what you think it is… If it was this blog would have 9 hits instead of .005 Rahm Emanuel won’t be on the ballot in Chicago’s mayoral race… (Now what am I forgetting?) Many believe it was replaced with “Dr. Kick Ass Cool Jewish Emanuel Del Fuego” By “Many” I mean […]
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The Bears lost the NFC divisional game against the Packers 21-14 (Cutler goes down) This was a sad day for Bears fans, but great for Packers… Jay Cutler wasn’t right from the 1st snap. His rating of 31.8 told us that He was “hoppy weird uncomfortable” in the pocket; out of place He looked like […]
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Not our little dummy lil’ “Clique” “Drama Teen” (Uh, ohhhhhhhh) But Taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadd, oh Taaaaaaaddd Well it just so turns out that Todd Palin had an affair with a massage therapist. The Enquirer claims that police have physical evidence Todd had an affair with Shailey Tripp, a massage therapist recently arrested for running a prostitution house […]
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I think you know what’s coming: (I hit u with schtick) Costello: Obama is meeting with Hu again? Abbot: Yes, that’s right Costello: No, Hu? Abbot: Yes, he’s meeting with Hu Costello: I dunno, I asked you! (Sugar Daddy Hu) As our short Chinese sugar daddy checks in on his investment… In owning, backing, or […]
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Sunday, January 23rd, at 2pm on FOX Two men of the 1920’s chatting about it: Man #1: Say, I don’t know if you heard… But there is a game of the football this weekend… (“I look dandy, you suck!”) Man #2: “What’s that, you don’t say? Will people be getting ossified at this Box Social?” […]
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They were both black… (Take my job please…) They both told it like it is… And one of them isn’t being asked back to host the Golden Globes Awards show… Guess which one? (“Oh oh, I know!”) Ricky because sadly MLK is dead… You remember yesterday? You had it off? Yeah that’s because we were […]
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