Archive for August, 2011

What happens after you really fuck things up but good at work? (“I don’t know, you tell me”) Why you get a month long vacation of course. Welcome to Congress 2011! They could all screw up a one car funeral, & now they get to golf for a month (Zing!) Oh, and get this; they […]

President Turd

August 2nd, 2011

Bravo Obama, you’ve managed to tell your supporters to shove it (It stings) What is a turd? A turd is something pulled from your ass It really really stinks all of the time, and it just lays there President Obama, this Debt Ceiling fiasco is your Turd Necklace (Nice) *Grabs wrist, looks at watch, waits, […]

Done Debt Ceiling Deal-e-o!

August 1st, 2011

Tea Turds Republicans screamed, & got what they wanted (How do you like it?) Thanks to president Obama & Democrats being mega pussy’s. Spending cuts $917,000 billion in discretionary spending, & then 1.5 trillion over 10 years It didn’t include Social Security, Medicare, or Veterans benefits Which was a concession for Tea Party nut jobs, […]

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