I’m Chris Christie…

September 29th, 2011

And I want to eat…um, be your next president!

(“Hey now smartass!”)

Remember my August 5th “Heel Face Turn” post? It’s happening

He says “No, no no no no. I don’t want to be in the race”

But since idiot media talking heads have nothing to talk about

(Cheap joke, I’m a cheap man)

They assume big & tasty is just like a ditz from Alaska who needs attention

He said he wasn’t running, he’s not. But Republicans can’t make up their minds

My guess is that directly speaks to the state of entire party today

Your views got these nutjobs on stage, now they just can’t keep them there

(Chuck Norris is too liberal)

Take a look in the mirror, but then don’t blame “the stupid Liberal mirror”

For the insane reflection that’s starring back at you…

Bigots Love “The” Herman Cain

They’d never vote for him mind you, but they like him around

Enough to let him win the Florida straw poll

(Wait, I won?)

Oh yeah, and they really like to use him as a bigot shield to boot

When people factually state the well documented racial issues in the Tea Party

Like say, Morgan Freeman did on Peirs Morgan a couple days back

(Racist agenda?)

Then TP’ers blurt, “We’re not racist, see the black guy we paid for?!?!”

It’s like a known crusader against drugs holding up a joint “fake smoking it”

Then quickly putting it in a zip-lock baggy to be used again as a prop


All while saying “Check it out, I totally love the drugs too…man”

When you like or love something it remains unsaid because you act on it

Mostly because it’s so obvious to people who already know you do

(Sadly true)

When you don’t, it must be something you feel needs “proving”

Tomorrow: Occupy Wall Street coverage with officer Bologna

Have a day!

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