Kiss My Ash Wednesday!

February 22nd, 2012

The GOP “Master Debater’s” are at it again tonight. In Mesa, AZ.

The state of governor crazy ass Jan “face finger sticker” Brewer

(Ok “crazy lady”)

Fact: she had three sons. One whom sadly died of cancer in 07

Another who was…now get this…declared not guilty because of

Insanity for the rape of a Phoenix woman in 1989. That’s classy

(Oh jeez)

It’s the last stop before “Super Tuesday”…which sound a lot like

The new name of a restaurant that opened up right near TGIF’s

It’s a showdown between “Frothy” & “McDreamy”. Who’ll win?

(“Joesph Smith?”)

Who cares? They should battle it out Thunderdome Style, 0r…

Have a big “battle of wits to the death” like in The Princess Bride

Knowing they have little of them, settle in for an endless match…

Barrack “Big Business Corporate Lover” Obama

He’s anything but predictable. Obama wants to lower the corporate

Tax rate from 35% to 28%. Wait a second, what what with the what?

(Wait, what now?)

He’s far more generous than me. Oh wait, it’s actually Tim Geithner

Mr. “Give Wall Street & banks your money for free whoopie!!!!!!!!!!”

(Give greedy people more)

Obama should ditch this corporatist turd salad. He’s bad for all of us

He only supports the top 3% to help them. How is giving companies

(Call today!)

More tax breaks going to get us more jobs? It won’t, it’ll mean > profits

Keep business & lobbyists out of policy making. It’s killin our country

Have a day!

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