Senior executive at the firm Greg Smith, left Goldman (If it’s Goldman why Silver?) He quit in favor of saving his soul in an amazing Op-Ed You could say he pulled a “Jerry MaGuire” if you’d like But then again Jerry still loved being a sports agent, Greg (Who’s with me?) Now pretty much says, […]
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It’s NCAA Tourney time, & everyone’s filling em out now Mine are more screwed up than Lindsay Lohan’s family (Wrong “bracket”) At one point when I was filling them out on-line it said “Please stop now, walk away from this, & never return” Meh, if you really don’t know anything, do what girls do (Wait, […]
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The name of the HBO political movie was called Game Change It was the McCain campaign during their 2008 Presidential bid (You Betcha!) We played a “buzzwords” drinking game to it. Drunk in 7 minutes It’s a lot about campaign manager Steve Schmidt & Nicole Wallace Palin’s PAC already called it “Hollywood lies” & “false […]
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Sure I’m a 40 year old trapped in the body of 3rd grader (File photo) Sure I’m childish, & love fart jokes like fat kids love cake But I’m sure as hell that John Farter’d be a better movie Than John Carter. It’s opening today like a front door of (It stunk) A house fire. […]
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Pssssh, even from the grave Andrew Breitbart is a bigoted douche He “promised videos” of Obama’s big radical college days at Harvard Which ends up sorta like a faulty stick of dynamite. A fat, loud…dud It’s Obama intro of the dead respected Harvard Professor Derrick Bell Breitbart said, “Oh, I’ve got video’s by the way, […]
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Kevin Federline or Heather Mills (AKA One legged bitch) Unintelligent and irrelevant since 2008. Bam, pow, zing (Yep, right on que) On FOX news for Super Tuesday she voted for Newt balls After that rambled on trying to put together one sentence Then tried to throw her hate in a race that keeps blowing (Quitters […]
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“Regular Tuesday” & “Super Tuesday” is my Superman Underoo’s (Pretty fly shit right there) They ride high in the crotch. Up, up, and away. Well the GOP is all In here, & it comes to down to “Frothy” or “Dreamy”. You pick one (Wrong “picking”) Good luck picking between “Meh”, & “Hum” America. Good times […]
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Rush “Charming” Limbaugh stepped in it again, but this time (Stupid listeners) Is very different. It’s now hitting him in the pocketbook…hard Act 1-The process of being a total fucktard to other humans Rush called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” & (Yes, I’m a dick) A “prostitute”. Since he somehow believes that now […]
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Andrew will get what never gave. The highroad, & compassion (Nice snuggy) He had a heart attack early on Thursday morning collapsing… Irony, he was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Where he was pronounced dead. This deserves bold compassion (Wait, whaaaaaaaa?) Oh it’s not for him. It’s for his wife & his 4 […]
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Remember the Keystone Pipeline? The one where we’d Grant a permit for to run oil though the US for Canada? (Where’s a Shoney’s?) Obama now supports TransCanada, & will let them do Half. Half? Really? Fucking really really? Like we don’t Know exactly what you’re doing of half now, half later? (People with another view) […]
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