Shit balls! Leave it to Texas to offer us the worst of the political spectrum by far

Now after Kay Bailey Hutchenson is stepping down…..the next possible man to

(“You people are nuts”)

Replace her isn’t “Conservative Enough”. What? Lt. Governor David Dewherst

Is the next big GOP guy in line, but TP turd Ted Cruz says he’s not GOP enough

They now shout he’s not TPGOP enough saying he has “allowed several minority

(“I’m conservative damn it!”)

Party Democrats to chair state Senate committees over the years”. Oh nooooooo

When working with the other party to pass legislation is now called “evil” or “bad”

It says these turds don’t understand that is the ENTIRE FUNCTION of governance

(Oh shit)

How stupid is “stupid enough” guys? You’re free to secede any time you like Texas

Then again, this is the same state that elected Rick “No Homo”Perry……3 TIMES

Really, it is no wonder they are dead LAST in handing out High School diplomas

(“I’m this much crazy”)

Translation: “not conservative enough” means, you are not “dumb enough” for us

“Tanorexia” Is Now A Disease? Seriously?!?!

Extreme warning: This is not a leather sofa, or handbag someone is wearing as

Their face. This is really and truly a women that exists on this earth. Her she is:

(I just puked)

Holy shit! Lady there’s a difference between “tanning” and “changing race”…….

It looks like you’re a fucking chimney sweep, or were left in 30 minutes too long

Clearly she’s nuttier than a Payday candy bar, but the true horror, she’s only 44

Dickhole Democratic Congressman Brian Schweitzer

Oh for shits sake. Montana moron Brian “I lie like a heavy rug” Schweitzer said

That Romney’s father was “born on a polygamy commune in Mexico”. WHAT?

(Dick on the left)

No seriously, WHAT? Go have a tickle fight with Democrat Eric J. Massa you fart

When asked if he would back off his comment, he pulled a TP, & doubled down

The Obama campaign replied: “Attacking a candidate’s religion is out of bounds

and our campaign will not engage in it, and we don’t think others should either”

Well said. Like a horrible family therapy session…..let’s just stick to the issues…

Have a day!

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