A North Carolina preacher named Sean Harris decided to say this during service:
“The second you see your son dropping that limp wrist, you walk over there and
(“Punch your gay son!”)
crack that wrist”. He went on to lovingly add, “Man up. Give him a good punch”
Smooth buddy. Another religious psychopath babbling stupid hateful shit. Neat
2 to 1 he’s gay as the day is long like homosexual boner. Homophobic hate and
(“I wish she had a penis”)
All the irrational shit said by stupid people don’t even realize they’ve already lost
It was over before it started. The best is the expected non-apology bigot apology
“I apologize to anyone I unintentionally offended……..I did not say anything to
(Good advice)
Intentionally offend anyone in the LBGT community”, then went on to say he’s
Not sorry for explaining how the word of god articulates homosexuality as a sin
Other right wing religious bigot will echo his insanity, and the beat go on, & on
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
The Muthacrunkin Avengers!
It’s out this weekend, & my prediction is it will shatter all BO records. It’ll make
(Zing pow kerput)
History, & for good reason. Every preview gives me my Super Mega Nerd Boner
The acting range of Hulk better be good. I heard he’s doing Shakespeare in the
Park this summer. Oh yeah, he’s got the acting chops fo sho. Grunts are now in
Have a weekend & Happy Stinko DeMayo!
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November 21st, 2023 - 10:05 pm
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