Welcome to Tuesdays Election Erection Section. Couple big races happening
Indiana Republican Dick Lugar might have his 36 year career come to an end
(Christmas hair)
I love the guy who’s name is literally “Penis Gun”. But a Tea Party guy named
Richard Mourdock is on his heels. Great, it’s now the battle of the “Dicks”. But
How did it happen? Why now after all these years? Because the Teapublican’s
Have lost their fucking minds. When the big goal of governance isn’t working
Together with anyone from the other side of the isle ever to solve our nations
Problems, it tells me these insane total tool turds do not even know what it is
(Take it nutjobs)
That governance does. They call everyone who disagrees with their outdated
Myopic world view a “RINO”, or “Libtard”. Anyone who always agrees with
Everything they say about gays, minorities, women, illegals, Hispanics, the
Poor, those on welfare, the middle class, unions, cops, firemen, or virtually
(“I’m Corneal Mustard”)
Every other working American then you’re OK. But if you disagree, get out!
That’s not how you run a party. That is how you cull a population from real
Thinkers who solve real problems. It’s like they created the political version
Of the Salem Witch Trials. Pretty soon, the party is going to be so far right
(You’re all guilty)
Richard Nixon will be a “bleeding heart pussy Liberal commie scum sucker”
I’d say they lost their fucking minds, but you got to start with one to lose it
Walker This Way, Get’s His Challenger Today
Scotty “Fuck Unions & The Middle Class” Walker will have his opponent
Selected today from a Democratic pool. It’ll either be mayor Tom Barrett
(“I’m Tom”)
Or Kathleen Falk(ing) A. Walker’s in deep shit. Very deep. The basic #’ers
Just don’t support his policy views. He came in claiming that $152 million
In tax cuts for the top 3% & corporations would create about 250,000 jobs
Only problem is they ranked dead last in job creation losing 23,900 jobs
Uh oh. Tax cuts do not create jobs. Never have, never will. Unless you tax
The living shit out of the wealthy, they don’t fucking care. It stays in their
(Ah yes, A=A)
Pocket, & the more they get, the more that stays. If it didn’t we’d have jobs
The only jobs we ever get from the wealthy are “air hand jobs”, & bitchjobs
Have a day!