Obama’s Gaystation 3

May 10th, 2012

Um, he shat alright. He shat very hard. Yesterday Obama came out in favor of

(Nice color)

Gay marriage. Holy shit balls! Wow, I have to say kudos to you Mr. President

For AGREEING WITH YOURSELF in 1998. Biden most likely pushed him on


It sooner, but it’s about time. Said it before but it bares repeating: it’s a civil

Rights issue. Equal protection under the law for all. We don’t allow majorities

To vote on the rights of minorities. If we did the Civil Rights Act wouldn’t exist

(I knew it)

The biggest oxymoron on the planet is the Log Cabin Republicans. To me it’s

Like having the “Jewish Nazi Party”, or the “Black Klansman”. Makes no sense


Look political turds. We all know you’ll be using the phrase “Etch-A-Sketch”

Where “flip-flop” used to be in the 04 race. But you’ll just know this about it

(I can go for that)

It’s fucking annoying & rational people would like it to stop. It’s like coining

A cutesy term for shitting to now be “Making boom boom”. It’s a fucking kids

Toy you are comparing people who LIE about their stances as if it’s “cute” or

(Not on policy)

“Warmly silly”. No, it makes them an asshole. Plain & simple, so figure it out

That saying “Um, you lied about this…” is a better way to explain reality. It

Helps stupid people in society out instead of using goofy assed “buzzwords”

Take your “political buzzwords” & feel free to ram them up your “dirt button”

Have a day!

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