Oh oh. Bad news for Republican governor Scott Walker. He stepped in it
Hard! He was caught on tape, saying for all unions statewide, he plans on
A “divide & conquer” method. Wait, say what? I thought it all about him
“Balancing a budget”? Turns out, he wants to make Wisconsin a “Right to
Work” state. Which means, NO UNIONS, public or private. Listen to him
(They did sign it)
Right here speaking with a top donor to make the state “more Republican”
If you’re a cop, teacher, plumber, electrician, fireman, actor, or really any
Skilled labor of any kind, voting Walker will end your unions. He said that
To his billionaire donor in the clip. It’s like a lawyer who was solely hired
To defend you, putting you on the stand & then trying to take you down
Even the prosecutor would ask, “Why is he harassing his own client now?”
That’s not what Walker campaigned on. It’s not what he promised. He lied
(Boom, suck it)
What did Walker say when asked about it? “I have no interest in pursuing
right-to-work legislation in this state”. Ahem, *John points to the tape of
His own words saying he does*. This lying clown just verbally shat himself
Which means any worker, laborer, or farming family won’t vote for him
That’s 3/4 of the state right there ace. He fucked up & is toast on June 5th
Have a day!