Seriously? No fucking seriously? Republican’s liked getting beat so much

They want to run the exact same campaign as 2008. They have this Super

(True that)

PAC that wants to run Jeremiah Wright attack ads…… they did in 08

When you can run on policy, facts, or ideas to help the country aside from

Tax cuts for the rich, and cut all social programs, you’re only left with one

(Um What?)

Option. Attack, insult, hate, & make it all racial, all the time. They’re trying

To pick up that ever elusive “racist voter” they flirted with in 08. It is back

And louder and more truck nutty than ever. Heeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaw

This will be the ugliest nastiest most racially divided race we’ve seen in the


US since Barry Goldwater and George Wallace in 1964. Courtin the bigot

Voter is one thing, but this is playing with fire. Racial hate & tension isn’t

Something you stoke, or try to create. It’s the basis of pure evil, & wrong

Why Babies Should Ride Big Dogs

Because it’s fucking amazing. That’s why. Anyone with a functioning head


Knows that is science fact. Babies + big dogs = memories to last a life time

Just think of the gambling options now for Las Vegas. They can have a new


Track to race them all and bet on them. “I like Rusty on Jingles for the win”

Have a day!

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