But doing it Chicago style. Today it’s all about “Gays For Romney”,
Mitt doesn’t “have a political career”, and Harry Reid channels his
(Or “morons”)
Inner hip hop gangster rapper. First, it is good to be back ready &
Recharged. Second, “gays for Romney” is an oxymoron. It’d be like
“Sheep For Wolves”, “Drunks For Prohibition”, & “Pacifists 4 Face
(He does)
Punching”. The GOP has done NADA for the gays, & always actively
Creates policy to suppress all their rights. “Jews For Hitler” taken?
Mittens doesn’t think he has a “political career”. *holds hand to the
(Oh wow buddy)
side of mouth talking to cover it* You might want to tell the guy who
Was governor, and now has the Republican nomination about it all
These people are nucking futs. Now we end on “Hip Hop 101” from
Harry Reid. Reid said, “That’s a clown question, bro,” & then quickly
(“I’m gangsta”)
Plugged his new album “150 Ways To Be A Pimpin Playa”. What a
Douche. You’re a wrinkly old white guy, just keep it that way bud…
Have a day!