The Affordable Care Act was upheld by the big “Robes Of Justice”
Justice Roberts, Bush’s pick, was the swing vote. His logic sound
I always liked that term “swing vote”. Totally sexual in nature no?
“Well, I could fuck whomever I like really now can’t I? I get it all!”
Look, this isn’t about Obama, or politics or “we win, you suck”. It
(Now it is)
never was. This is about having a valid plan to fix all the uninsured
who cost the insured massive premiums, to get them insured. But
suggestions of how were 2 different ideas. The GOP said, “Fuck it
we’ll do tort reform, & give insurance companies interstate rights
(“Butthead” grown up?)
That plan would now lower all premium cost by less than 2%. Bravo!”
In two separate states these were both tried, and costs didn’t lower
Well, the president, & democrats said, “We’d all like single payer to
move forward, but will listen to all your ideas. Oh, so you have none
(now an umbrella)
other than those 2, or doing nothing. Hey, let’s take Bob Doles old
plan. Since it is Republican in nature, you’ll like it, we fix the issue,
& problem solved?”. But ohhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooooo. You
can’t allow anything from a Maoist, Commie, Socialist, baby eating
(Your base!)
Kenyan, who hates Merica’, takes your guns with out really taking
them, and taxes you higher without really taxing you. He’s so slick
You can never compromise or work with Doctor Evil. They painted
themselves in a box from day one with the level of hate, & discord
The Republican’s lost this country & vote when R-Mitch McConnell
said, “The single most important thing we want to achieve….is for
President Obama to be a one-term president”. Not jobs, or any note
Americans are struck by hard times, or pass laws to help us all, or
(Over this height’ll hate us)
wind down wars while caring for our veterans, or stop wall street
& bankers exploitation of us, or anything. When the entire goal of
a modern political party is to deny progress, & not work with some
one to help solve our problems and move us forward, then they’ve
chosen personal goals of greed and power over our country. How
will they try to spin this “Tea Party shot to the nuts”? Like a FOX
(“He’s a galactic alien!”)
always does. Lie, lie, lie, make up insane shit, & then lie some more
John Boehner said, “if the court strikes down all or part of Obama’s
healthcare reform law, there will be no spiking of the ball”. Oh But
then old Rushy McDouchehole says this: “If you want to spike the
football next week if the ruling on health care goes our way…….go
(“Yes, I’m a douche”)
right ahead!”. Strong words from a very very very stupid loud man
Last I checked, & correct me if I’m wrong, but don’t you need the
ball 1st in order to actually spike it? Giving facts to a Republican is
like smearing peanut butter on the roof of a dogs mouth, then just
watching it struggle to know what’s happening. Meh, been a rough
3 weeks for the ol’ TeaOP. Sad part, it’s all self inflicted hateful shit
And bet the next 4 years if Obama gets re-elected will be living hell
Have a day!
February 8th, 2025 - 12:05 am
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