In what might go down as one the oddest things I’ve ever seen in my life Clint Eastwood was a “special guest” at the final night of the convention (My “Gary Busey” impression) He came out. He looked older, weaker, and far less a man in far bigger a suit. His hair was sticking up […]
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Condi spoke great, McCain addressed his “my friends”, & goofy (“Now chill out nuts”) hats of every kind or design were on display for the world to see Then Ryan AKA Mr. “Baby Blues Trust Me” took the RNC stage Front and center. He looked the part, spoke the part, & was good He gave […]
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Between Ann standing by her robotic Ken Doll husband, the tan man, the fat man, & Fuckabee; the evening was all gratitude, and platitudes (“Suck it Paul delegates!”) It’ll be the exact same BS at the Democratic mega stage show. The key is closely looking past all the barking barbs & banter at their platforms […]
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The RNC’s latest lap dog Reince Pribus can blurt lies with aplomb Oh, if you take out all the vowels in Reince Pribus’s name, you get: (War on intelligence) RNC PR BS. Let’s think about that for a moment. Well old Riencey was on doing his usual spinpitchdeflect campaign on Morning Joe When Chris Matthews […]
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On the stump on Friday Mitt decided to make another play for racists (“I’ma niiiiiice”) It is not like he didn’t already have that vote pretty locked up already: “Now I love being home in this place where Ann & I were raised…no one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate……………..they know that this is […]
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We have 4-D movies, Lego’s & fat free fat. It was bound to happen It’s so cool it’s spreading across the globe like tennis and bad STD’s (Bring it bitch) Those little kittens put up a good fight though. Just when they start looking at you all “kitten eyed”, they go over the top on […]
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You can run for VP, but you can’t hide from your policy record. You can “try”, but will fail badly. It’s really that simple. But now that Akin is the (“That was me before“) new poster boy for the “Vagina’s How Do They Work” plank in the GOP Ryan’s running away from it faster than […]
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Todd Akin will stay in the race. Good for him, he has strong convictions He’s a guy built on principles. Unfortunately for him, they are all crazy: (My ideas are awesome!) He said, “I misspoke one word in one sentence on one day, and all of a sudden, overnight, everybody decides, `Well, Akin can’t possibly […]
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Todd put out a :30 ad to “ask for forgiveness”. It was so painful to see The man basically says, “Oh no, this rape stuff IS serious. I flubbed the (Oh look, “rape” stairs) words but my heart is in the right place saying the rape victims should carry to term. See, I got 2 […]
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Republican’s care deeply about “voter fraud”. This is an epidemic By “epidemic”, I mean all “.00004%” of it. You’re more likely to be (“It’s eeeeeeeevil”) attacked by a great white shark…while being struck by lightening at the exact the same time, than experience in person voter fraud Since 2000, there have been 13 cases of […]
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