It’s Him Or Me Bitches…

September 7th, 2012

Joe Biden didn’t piss himself on stage, that’s a pretty good thing

(Nose picking finger)

It wouldn’t be a speech without some vintage classic flubby Joe

“I’ve got news for Governor Romney, and congressman Ryan.
Gentleman. Never ever. It never makes sense. It’s never been
a good bet to bet against the American people”

He was the set up man for Obama, & he actually looked right into

the camera to say, “Mr. Ryan, my foot is going directly up your ass”

I kid, I joke. But it’s very clear Ryan is going to get his ass kicked

Then it was on to Obama, POTUS, the man, king shit on turd hill

(“Chill out, I got this”)

Like a Samsonite manufacturer, Obama made his case last night

This was a sobering speech dealing with the facts we have today

He was clear, & fully explained you have stark policy differences

to choose from between the two parties. You have 2 very different

paths. We’re all collectively at that fork in the road. It was clear:

(This is us)

“Now, our friends at the Republican convention were more than
happy to talk about everything they think is wrong with America,
but they didn’t have much to say about how they’d make it right.
They want your vote, but they don’t want you to know their plan.
And that’s because all they have to offer is the same prescription
they’ve had for the last thirty years:

Have a surplus? Try a tax cut

Deficit too high? Try another

Feel a cold coming on? Take 2 tax cuts, roll back some regulations
& call us in the morning!

Now, I’ve cut taxes for those who need it – middle-class families
and small businesses. But I don’t believe that another round of
tax breaks for millionaires will bring good jobs to our shores, or
pay down our deficit. I don’t believe that firing teachers or kicking
students off financial aid will grow the economy, or help us compete
with the scientists and engineers coming out of China. After all that
we’ve been through, I don’t believe that rolling back regulations on
Wall Street will help the small businesswoman expand, or the laid-
off construction worker keep his home. We’ve been there, we’ve tried
that, and we’re not going back. We’re moving forward”

And what did FOX take away from this speech? Why ask Charles

“Tommy Flanagan” Krauthammer what he heard from the speech

(A wooden back?)

Oh yeah, he said it was “one of the emptiest speeches” ever given

by a presidential nominee. Oh, he wasn’t done either. He went on

“The Obama speech I thought was flat and had no content in it.
Otherwise I loved it really” adding, “There was nothing in it”

Today, the modern Republican party is clinically insane, it lives in

this alternate universe where up is down, bad is good, & the world

is flat. They don’t just reject reality at amazing levels, they actually

(Bubble is good)

believe this world really exists. They’ll swear up and down it really

exists no matter how much facts, policy, & reality try to ruin it all

It’s like your kid talking to an imaginary friend, then trying to get

them a job. When they go in for the interview, the interviewer is

now baffled, scared, then slowly presses the intercom for security

This isn’t about Republican vs. Democrat. This is about rational

(Young Republican)

adults grounded in reality vs. factually insane anarchist children

They’re literally like kids shitting their pants, then holding a turd in

the air screaming, “Look! It’s GOLD!”. It’s sad, funny, & sickening

Facts, reality, or policy will never exist in this race for these people

cause those are all things that take time to understand, & a lot of

work to know about. Fuck that shit, the liar dickholes in the talking

(Grrrrrrr der)

FOX box are telling ME the truth. Why would they lie? Well because

the “truth” is really really really really bad for business. Hate and lies

are all they got pretending 2000-08 simply didn’t even exist in time

They don’t WANT you to see the facts or stark differences between

the two parties, because then you might actually see what they are

offering. It’s the EXACT same economic plan that created the mess

It takes some serious fuckin’ balls for Paul Ryan, who helped create

(Yes, this guy)

this big economic mess with his and Bush’s polices to start bitching

at the person who’s actually cleaning this shit up. It just boggles the

mind at the sheer gleeful insanity they’re spewing on a daily basis

Oh, make no mistake, it’ll get worse. It’ll be nastier than a girl fight

When you can’t debate the facts, you always keep attacking with lies

Ahem, John Kerry, please stop talking. A Palin joke? Really? Boy,

is it now 09 again? Either update your material, or go wind surfing

Drew “Wife Killer” Peterson Found GUILTY

Yep, you read it here first. Actually, you probably read it yesterday

(Convicted killer)

What do Disney World & Drew Peterson’s anus have in common?

They’ll both have millions of visitors daily Zing! Pow! Slam! Wonk!

And it couldn’t happen to a creepier sadistic evil douche bag. Good

Have a weekend!

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