Pizza “The” Hut decided to inject itself into the presidential race
(“We get free pizza?”)
by offering $15,600 or a free pizza once a week for 30 years. But
what did they have to do? Pose the question to Obama or Mitt of
what meat they put on their “a-pizza-pie”. Sausage or pepperoni
Turns out most people think it’s a massive pile of shit that makes
our election process shallow, silly, & a gig for product placement
(Forgot that scene)
That’s just so Merican! I mean “fuck the policy, facts, or reality of
political positions”, if you like the same “pizza” I like, and helped
me become “kid pizza bitch”, you totally get my vote. Hey, “totes”
What fucking planet is this? Let us just make all the presidential
candidates wear NASCARS logos. Pizza hut pulled the idea, and
now just made it on-line. That’s advertising speak for “Oh fuck”
Obama lost debate #1 badly. He was flatter than any 11-year-old
Asian girl. Biden won the debate on Thursday in a big way. Ryan
was shown to be lacking basic facts, & not staying specific on how
his tax cuts balance any budgets or deficits. Mostly because they
fucking DON’T. Everyone who has studied it, says it is impossible
He also was hammered on railing against stimulus $, but taking it
But then what did FOX “News” do? Oh, their BS Bubble went into
“Mega Super Hyper Lying Drive”. Biden was “way too rude”, “was
(“We’re morons!”)
drunk”, “so disrespectful”, & his “laugh made him just look insane”
Ah yes, FOX coming through with all the stalient substance of any
High School hallway after prom. Oh “Jimmy was so lame”. They all
addressed NO POLICY or specific facts, because it hurts Ryan badly
It’s like some crazy creepy cheerleader camp where they all decide
that one other “camper” should never be right about anything ever
And no matter what REALLY happens, that camper will always fail
Now The Koch Suckers Threaten Workers
Oh for fucks sake. You Ayn Rand lying assholes can “Go Galt” at
anytime. GO AHEAD! We don’t care. But if you STAY, sit down
(“What a man!”)
and STFU about “taking your ball & going home” if this election
doesn’t go “your way”. But perhaps most importantly, YOU best
stop all this fucking threatening of your workers in letters if they
don’t “vote against Obama”. It’s now walking a fine line of being
illegal. Currently the state Seigel is in, the other CEO douchebag
(“I’m a dick salad”)
has a “Threats of Employers to Control Votes of Employees Lawâ€
But it’s only for state, local, & municipal. This is federal. But the
idea is clear. You aren’t supposed to threaten workers to vote a
certain way of else “they will get fired”. That is sort of a “no-no”
Or as the rest of rational society says, “Oh, so you’re a sociopath
with $, how terrible”. You have places, CEO’s, making all record
profits. But remember, THEY DON’T WANT TO SPEND ANY of
their “profits” on new plants or wadges. They only seek to use all
operating costs to cover those. They’re bitching “Hey! When that
Obama raises my taxes, I will pay for those taxes with operating
costs. Never with my profits”. Bottom line to workers is “fuck off
if Obama wants more tax $, it’s coming OUT OF YOUR ASSES!”
Do you understand now? Corporations are not interested in any
(A duped stupid voter)
labor, they only have one goal: PROFITS. They are “amoral”, &
that’s never been clearer here with “If that evil Odummer raises
MY taxes, it’ll cost YOUR job”. To me, that is so fucking illegal it
is not even funny, and ironically it’s absolutely terrible business
They cut their $. They’re blatantly threatening all their workers
for a specific “anti-Obama” vote. To them I say: “You can’t fuck
gold, but gold can fuck you when it’s tax time”. Also Eat-a-dick
Tomorrow: Master Debaters Are At It Again, & Candy Crowley
Have a day!
September 9th, 2023 - 1:26 pm
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