Mr. Ben Stein was on FOX and Friends. He gave them basic
historic economic facts. Those did not sit well with them and
they looked just like a dog when you stick a hair dryer in their
face. You have to correct the fact-free shallow non-economic
minds of turds. Here is exactly what he said on air yesterday
“I hate to say this on FOX, & I hope I’ll be allowed to leave here
alive, but I do not think there is any way we can cut spending
enough to make a meaningful difference. We are going to have
to raise taxes on very very rich people. People with incomes of
say 2, 3, 4 million a year & up…there is no clear evidence of the
levels of taxation and the level of economic activity. The biggest
growth and prosperity we’ve ever had in this country was from
roughly 1941-1973. Best years we have ever had, and those were
years of much much higher taxes during war-time & peace-time
so the economy can grow very very fast even with higher taxes”
BOOM! BAM! OVER! The “Three Cheerleaders” looked stunned
Ben is the exact conservative that should be running their entire
party today. Not the Tea Turds. TeaOP is these 3 know nothings
They were lost not understanding basic economic taxation facts
It was priceless to see their faces pleading with, “But, but, but,”
(Hard hitting news)
Said it here over & over & over. Taxes must go up on the top 3%
Historically that’s when we do the best as a country. It’s just an
economic fact. But if you introduce “facts” to “Fart & Fiends”, it
tends to send dipshits towing a lie into a full blown panic mode
Know this about the election: we were here before in 1936, & if
we pick Mittens, you just shunned FDR’s 2nd term. Now, I am
not saying Obama is FDR. He’s more FDR Lite, & even the guy
he was going against, Alf Landon, governor of Kansas, was just
running a milder version of FDR. He was not running “Hoover
& W. Bush on steroids” or anything batshitcrazy like Mitt. Just
think about that. History’s there so we don’t step into the same
pile of dog shit twice. It also points the way when we did great
things, not turning back when moving forward on the right path
Pick Mitt if you like, but know it’s for the Plutocratic tax cuts of
the top 3% all at the expense of the entire country as we know it
Neo: you can take the blue pill and stay in the Matrix, or take the
red pill & live in reality. Ironically they’re really opposite the real
political party colors, but it gives you the basic gist, now choose
Monday: Tea Turd Joe Walsh goes down in flames at debate
Have a weekend!