Richard Mourdock(R) is a loud Tea Party guy, & has some very
nifty things to say about abortion in a recent debate yesterday:
(Holy shit)
“I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape,
that it is something that God intended to happen…………………”
Holy fuckballs! Did he just say “god intended a rape to happen”?
Bunch of reporters asked him the exact same question. He said:
“Are you trying to suggest somehow that God preordained rape,
no I don’t think that. Anyone who would suggest that is just sick
and twisted. No, that’s not even close to what I said.”
(please stop)
John looks up at his first exact statement & his words. Um, bud,
that’s “exactly” what you SAID. Unless it’s clearly “gods plan” for
you to not even know you said that I guess. Right? “God Rape” is
awesome. It is also the new name of my mega Broadway Musical
Hummmm, I can’t remember, who endorsed him nationally?????
Oh, that would be Mitt Romney. Oh, and he’s not taking back his
endorsement back. He even ran a support ad about him right here
(“I love this guy”)
Now Mitt says Mourdock doesn’t represent his views. They said:
Spokeswoman Andrea Saul “Gov. Romney disagrees with Richard
Mourdock’s comments, and they do not reflect his views,â€
But they hold the exact same positions on the Blunt Amendment
It does not really matter. Mitt will change his mind and be JFK by
weeks end, or maybe be a black women. Who knows? Stay classy!
Panic Freakout Election Facts
If you like Obama, settle down. He’s statistically winning. If you
like Mitt, I have no rational clue how that is, but you should not
believe the hype. It’s just someone saying “Look I’m winning!!!”
No, the scoreboard says you’re not. Life’s a cold numbers game
Obama won 2 of 3 debates, & you might see a mini-bounce of it
I do not mean to be a dick, but Nate Silver, who I think is pretty
cold numbers great, has Obama at a 68.1% chance of winning &
Romney a 31.9% shot. The Electoral College path favors Obama
Mitt has to run the table in the swing states, and that window is
almost closed according to current polls. It’d take one crazy act
(Not that crazy)
It is possible Mitt could win. Sort of like how it’s “possible” I’d
have a 3-way with 3 hot ladies & not have to pay for it. It’s like
around 29% possible. I’m decent looking, for a hairy douche, &
could just luck out one night. It’s possible. Now, is it probable?
No, Democrats registered more voters in 08 than Republican’s
by a landslide. They’ve also registered even more this year, so,
it’s another bad sign. The one positive sign is Republican’s did
register more this year than 08. But it falls short by comparison
if you take both years of Democratic registration, & only 1/2 of
them vote, Obama wins 54% of the vote. It is a cold #’ers game
Ohio looks to be going to Obama, along with Wisconsin, & Iowa
That spells certain doom for Mittens. He could win, but sorry to
say, this isn’t like rooting for a favorite football team. Your votes
directly effect people’s lives. Not just “my guy won”. It’s more of
“What specific policy will you get from each candidate”? That’s
what matters. Big voter turnout favors Democrats, so watch for
that happening, & make sure you know the specific facts on this
Final Debates Re-Cap
It’s funny. From my independent view, the presidential debates
started out with Mitt on fire. He came out strong, & hammered
Obama, while Barack looked weak, unprepared, and often tired
(“We will fight”)
His smiles, suddenly agreed with Mitt’s SS & Medicare position
and looked at times like a napping kid after a warm glass of milk
Everyone saw the same thing. FOX went into hyper win, and the
rest of rational society saw it for it for what it was: a big needed
win for Mitt who was about to be knocked out of the whole race
Debate #2 was a back alley brawl on every level. Potus had way
more facts to support his positions, & Mitt fucked up a very big
(Debate #3)
Libya accusation line that he thought was gonna be a Signature
KO punch. It turned out he was sooooooo wrong when Candy C
corrected him. Obama won. Mitt was selling & not “telling” any
specific policy he would put in place, was very insulting with the
“You’ll get your chance in a moment”, & then his “Binder full of
women” cost the lady votes. But FOX & CNN said “Oh no, it was
a tie”. What planet is this?!? No it wasn’t. Every poll had Obama
(Thanks Brynna!)
as the clear winner. But Debate #3 was the best. It was Obama’s
turf, & Mitt was totally lost. “Horses & Bayonets”, Iran is Syria’s
route to the sea, then agreeing with every Obama foreign policy
position, after holding the exact OPPOSITE positions for 5 years
To me, all the Debates sort of just went in reverse: It was Obama
that started out terrible & got great. But it was Mitty who started
out great & got terrible by the end. In a presidential election that
will most likely cost you. You’d like to end strong since clearly we
(“You pick now”)
have a block of “undecided” voters who are dumber than a box of
sand for some reason. If you don’t know these two guys by now….
a 3 day trip with each guy & a rectal x-ray wouldn’t even help you
You’re like that bad date you go on to the amusement park, when
the person is asked if they’re having a fun time, just shrugs & says,
“Meh, I guess. Just thought it’d be way cooler”. Well what did you
fucking expect?!?!? If you’re looking to Clint Eastwood for advice
(“you’re real to me”)
your head’s so far up your ass you couldn’t find it with both hands
& a flashlight. The new Clint Eastwood ad is hilariously sad & odd
It’s like having someone who shit on your big Persian rug in your
home, so you decide to invite them back over after 7 bowls of chili
Can’t wait for all this fucking stupidity to be over. We got a country
to keep fixing, & all these political nutjobs are standing in the way
Note: the reason I didn’t mention Trump is that I do not give free
publicity to big talking anuses. He’s a hateful prick stoking racists
Have a day!