I went as Mitt Romney last night, wore a button that said Mitt Wit

(What a farthat!)

And my t-shirt said, “SuperDouche”. “Truth in satire” I always say

Sonja wore a super disco awesome jacket with a t-shirt that reads:

“I’m With Stupid” with a finger pointing at me. Had to remember

to always stay on her right side. Now I know what their 2 dressage

(Sorry about that)

horses feels like. Fun night, outta sight, booze delight, w/o a fight

That’s a great evening on the ol’ town. But I consider myself lucky

With our friends on the East Coast hit hard, we are sending good

vibes your way to get back on your feet. You will, we know you’ll

be standing strong before you know it. Brick by brick, you got it!

Oh, & I hope you were able to have some guilt free Halloween sex

Media Pundits Hilariously Full Of Shit

Every single talking head on TV, or writer, or news show, or cable

spin machine is saying “this election is WAY to razor thin close to

call”. Really? No, fucking really? Ok, then just show me Mitten’s

(Oh snap!)

electoral path? What is that? Without Ohio, Iowa, Nevada, New

Hampshire, & CO. you don’t really have one? Oh, unless he now

magically flips a mega blue state, that’s always been polling hard

in Obama’s way like Michigan, Wisconsin, or Minnesota. They’re

so blue, even Nate Silver has it 90%+ “gimme”. All polling has

Obama up 7+ points in those state races. But why in the world


would they do that? Oh, because they need ad revenue, & ratings

Pretty simple shit. It is a business. If they explain Mitt has no real

Electoral Map path, they lose ad $, & ratings. They now have to fill

the other 23:45 hours of programing with stuff. Not very easy. But

they basically won’t break it down for you. They just take any Bull

Shit either political party spews out. No! Stats, facts, polls, & reality

are the actual order of the day. That’s what we all deserve ya turds

(Lock it up!)

The election is FAR from over. It’s like an NFL  football team who’s

leading by 8 points with :35 seconds left. The other team is now on

their own 5 yard line, & it’s 4th down. Sure, they could tie it, but it

would have to be a miracle play, then get the 2 point conversion. It

just looks so very very very bad for the one team, & it’s OK to say it

It is reality, it is fair game to be honest & truthful about it. If it was

Obama in that position, I’d expect the EXACT same thing, because

(New MSNBC TV show)

it’s the truth. Funny, the truth doesn’t pick a political party. It just

is what it is. But all this insane lying crap is irrational. It’s so stupid

Put it this way, seems that Nate Silver pisses off all partisans of any

stripe. Idiots freak if math doesn’t agree with their massive partisan

views. It’s not personal you clamoring loud nutty turds. It’s just fact

Remember, none of it matters unless you VOTE. Get out there, call a

friend, & make sure to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! If you don’t, it’s on you

I’ll be happy when all this insane shit’s finally over. F-I-N-I-A-L-L-Y

Have a day!

One Response to “Hallow Hangover, Election Deception”

  1. motivation music

    motivation music

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