Shooting Sadness In Connecticut

December 15th, 2012

Sorry today we were supposed to have jokes & talk about a friends

new comedy short. But reality had a other plans. A mass shooting

(20 children dead)

of elementary school children happened today. It’s terribly sad, &

far past any words I can say. To the families, siblings, & friends it

is with the heaviest heart I say, I’m so sorry; everyone stands with

you with in support & love. Prayers, or whatever ya believe please

send it their way. They will need it. This was the worst shooting in

(Oh dear)

US history. Mostly because is was children. If you have kids, hold

them closer. Never waste a single second to tell them you love em

or how special they are. For in any given moment, *poof* it could

all be over. Take this sad horrible event, and use it to be better to

each other. Much love out to all those effected by these sad events

Monday: we will finally talk about the short, & other funny shit

Have a weekend!

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