Did you know Obama is creating a private black army to massacre White Americans? The Talk To Stan Solomon (Bill Mays is back?) Show Live decided to make this utterly batshitinsane lie When a dude starts with the phrase, “this is my opinion not based on ahhhhhh fact that I can offer to you at […]
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It’s slated to kick in on Friday. If you don’t know what it is, then you’ve been living in a van down by the river. It’s the (“government cheese!”) “instant cuts” that are going to take place after March 1st This $85 billion in cuts are to military, the Department of Homeland Security, Boarder Patrol, […]
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My Oscars have a first name, it is S-E-T-H…my Oscars have a second name, and it’s A-R-G-O W-O-N B-I-G for best flick (“Come on…”) It was a good show. The Oscars red carpet is little more than a massive fashion runway for designers. Ah no thanks, that’s gayer the Tony’s, Liberace, and skinny jeans. Nothing […]
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Here is a nice list of things “not to do today†heading into the weekend: (you can do this one) -Fart in your hand, then demand a co-worker, “Smell this†-Forget to wear clothes…for the 3rd time this month -Show up to your baseball teams season opener, but they’re on the road -Watch a Bob […]
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Jack Swagger is his name, & the Tea Party Don’t Tread On Me is his meme. His manager’s Zeb Colter with an unstable Militia feel (a gig’s a gig) It has tons of conservative wrestling fans, flipping out about this Showing most conservative wrestling fans big hypocrisy: had no problem with the Iron Sheik, Saba […]
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since you read my blog regularly, you know I call it even for all the parties in politics. Right’s right, & wrong’s wrong, so no one party (the rights meter today) will hold a Monopoly on that. Although…….I have noticed a 4 to 1 ratio for really mega hypocritical stupid shit comin’ more from the […]
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baby’s crying on airplanes is the most common thing if you have ever traveled. It’s cliche at this point. But I’ve never heard of or thought anything likes this could ever happen. This “taint hole” (“I’m a racist POS”) shit named Joe Rickey Hundley, who’s the president of Unitech Composites & Structures, during the planes […]
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Nice Stove Pipe hat you have right there. Oh, it’s not a hat, you are (“hipster” Lincoln) just happy to see me? Ohhhhhhhhhh, a weak sauce penis joke then It’s Abe’s Day today, or “Holy Shit We Get The Day Off” for the rest of us. Whatever you’re doing today if it’s gluing googly eyes […]
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Pretty simple shit. Sorry so short, but still recovering from last night. Good times, learned the tango, & now I’m pretty (Boom!) sure Disney will come out with the “feel good” dance movie of the year called “Tango Unchained”. Zing, zong, zounds… Catch you glorious bastards all on Monday. Rock your day Have a weekend!
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Sure candy heart are always fun. Hopefully it’s not the kind you (it’s true) crush up & snort. That’s not candy, it’s unpowdered nose candy Sure it’s sappy, and it’s a “hallmark holiday”, but when it comes to love; you can “never” have enough, or give enough. Tonight I will take my best half out […]
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