His time as a Chicago Bear is over. Done. Over. Kaput. Finito

Brain Urlacher is now a free agent. He turned down the Bears

(so long)

1 year offer of $2 million dollars. He knew they only had sooo

much salary cap space, but it didn’t matter to him. He wanted

$6 million(the whole amount needed to sign rookies, and any

other free agents). He basically said, “fuck taking a pay cut to

stay here and get the best team possible around us. I want my

(“it’s only about $”)

$ now!”. Sure he might sign on with another team, but his best

days are far past. Dallas passed on him, and most teams are all

set at that position. Meh, he had a good run, and so long. BUT

he did this to himself. Sad turd. Hubris, it’s what’s for diner…

Why The Color Of Your Shit Matters

If it’s dark brown, green, yellow, white, or even blood red, it

(good times)

all matters. Whenever I drink grape G2 Gatorade, it turns a

really nice deep green. What’s that? You don’t care, & don’t

want to know about this? Ohhhhhh, but of COURSE you do

Oh, you don’t. Well OK, fine. Fuck off then. And don’t come

crying to me when your shit is red & you have some serious

(it IS sexy)

questions about ulcers, or mega hemorrhoids. You’re going

to be like a kitten without a family. You’re on your own……

Have a day!

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