Rush Limpballs makes a living being a bigoted, ignorant, hateful asshole
seems he takes his job rather seriously these day. All his advertisers have
(a moving turd)
fled as record speed, and his audience of angry white males who eat lunch
in their truck are all dying off. They tune into Archie Bunker so they hear
about how the “white guys” are now magically all victims of a society that
discriminates against them daily in favor of women, gays, blacks, liberals
Latino’s, teachers, immigrants, or any other “minority group” who is not
rolling over & now standing up for equal protection under the law. Oh the
(yes, we know)
horror. Poooooooooooor poor white males lost all their power to oppress
others. Boooo fucking hoooo. As a white male myself, I don’t know what
their experiences have been, but being white is pretty kickass. I don’t get
pulled over needlessly, and don’t get followed in the grocery store for no
damn reason, and I get a LOT of call backs on job interviews. But they do
not live in reality. They live in their racial hate bubble. It is like….a radio
“fireside chat” for fact free morons & racists. Well, the talking anus who
makes a living out of fake outrage & being a fat-ass subhuman troll is at
it again. He “mocked” the Sandy Hook families speaking on gun control:
“They’re trying to turn the Newtown parents into a dozen Cindy Sheehan’s
in a way…’s what the Democrats do, folks. They always try to hide their
agendas behind women & children, &, most of all, victims. So the Newtown
parents are human shields, in a sense. The Newtown parents are out there
to protect the Democrats from any criticism & shut it down. Pure & simple”
yes, attacking the families of murdered children in the WORST domestic
shooting incident invloving children in our nations entire fucking history
There’s something so very desperate, weak, & pathetic about it. It reeks of
(“you’re a dick”)
a Hail-Mary in a long career of hate & ignorance seeking relevance. Once
Rush is long gone, his listeners might grow up, have families of their own
& never remember the days they agreed with hate. Then again, maybe not
Taxes, Taxes, Taxi’s!
Two things that are a certainty in life: death, & spring break STD’s. Ohhh
wait, taxes. It’s “taxes”. My bad. We all hate them, and we all hate paying
but it’s been around since forever, & it makes our society run. Just wish
it ran a little more efficiently & shit. That way, we pay for the important
stuff we need, & cut the wasteful shit we don’t. Like a Post Office/Roads
& SS are good. Insane wars in Iraq that last forever, corporate welfare,
& kick backs to lobbyists are not. Meh, hopefully you get a refund this
year. Me……the only refunds I ever get are when I get “food poisoning”
Have a day!