It seems that Minnesota Viking running back Adrian Peterson
is not “with” gay marriage. It is not “Something he believes in”
(“No thanks”)
There’s nothing quite so sadly ignorant as a minority who was
racially denied equal protection under the law, now using their
“opinion” to support doing the EXACT same ‘thing’ to another
minority group. Odd, sad, and shows a glaring “historical blind
spot”. Having an opinion is one thing, but stating “eh, fuck that
minority group being denied equal rights” is another. See, free
(“no gay, no how”)
speech is a two way street. You are free to say horrible dumb &
ignorant shit. BUT it doesn’t “magically remove” the now very
real consequences of SAYING the really fucking stupid shit. So
when people shout, “they’re just expressing their opinion”. Yes
and society is expressing theirs in stating that opinion sucks &
is really far more offensive than the speaker understands. It is
amazing that many ‘religious African American’s’ are against =
rights for gay American’s having felt that exact denial of rights
Nothing stings so much like hypocrisy being shouted so loudly
Papa Pizza Ass-dial Racism
Here’s a shocker, there are “a lot of racists” in Sanford Florida
Now there are “two radically racist pizza delivery dunderfucks”
A nice couple tip 21% gratuity as usual. On a $15.26 total, they
tipped $5 to the driver. The driver proceeded to ass-dial them:
Racist #1: “Did he tip you?”. Racist #2 “Nope, not at all”(lie)
Racist #1: “That’s the only requirement for being a n****r”
Racist #2: “Yeah, they gave me five bucks there. Fine, out
standing African-American gentleman of the community”
(And then he sings horribly racist made up N-Word songs)
Forget they actually tipped them 33% which is amazing, & also
forget these 2 “idiot bigoted fuckwads” can’t accept the nice tip
The 2 shitwits were immediately fired, and the married couple
(Love MAD)
were profusely apologized to by the staff. CEO Papa John even
directly apologized on his Facebook page, which is most likely
his PR company who is actually doing it. These 2 big “Knuckle
Draggers” pictures should be displayed everywhere. We should
shine a light on these big hateful piles of shit, & those like them
The reason you know ‘Sanford Florida’, is because that is where
Travyon Martin was killed. Seems they have a Lil’ problem with
racism there. Not generalizing, just watching this area for more
events like this. After all, they might be popping up pretty often
with their new town slogan, “Welcome To Sanford – We Already
Told Jackie Robinson ‘No N*****s’ Once, What’d You Expect?”
Tomorrow: Rham CPS Fuck Up, & Republican Aid Hypocrisy
Have a day!
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