when you are in a deep hole, the old axiom is, to “stop digging”

(keep digging)

But, if you are disgraced bigot southern gal Paula Deen, the big

buttery shovel can never be put down. She is like ‘Champ’ from

‘Anchor Man’ when Brain Fantana says this to him after a rant:

“Take it easy, Champ. Why don’t you stop talking for a while??”

Yet Deen & her legal team just can’t help themselves, so they’re

trying to claim that 1/2 the law suit should be thrown out cause

(Good call Champ)

Lisa Jackson, who is white, has no legal ‘standing’. But get this;

they are citing the Supreme Courts “overturn of Prop 8” for the

gay marriage issue claiming, “Lisa doesn’t have legal standing”

since she is white to being offended at the N-Word. Oh for shit

sakes. Do me a favor, how many of you have ‘asked’ your older

racist aunt/grandmother/uncle/grandfather to stop using that

word around you? Answer, a shit load. Well, Deen’s NOT even

(oh jeeeez)

fighting her racist nature anymore, she’s just trying to stop all

the financial bleeding with legal loopholes. Forget that this IS

“basic discrimination”, but my guess is you’ll have a shit ton of

black employee’s who will step up to support Lisa’s case today

Some fidiots (fucking idiots) never learn. When you screw up,

you take your lumps/medicine, accept reality, & move on. But

there is NO moving on when douches like this try to avoid it all

No more Deen, this “hateful bigot” deserves no more attention

Bert & Ernie Are Evil Filthy “Gays”

The cover of the New Yorker had Bert & Ernie watching the TV


Supreme court decision together on the couch. But the right &

some on the left “flipped out”. Really? No, fucking ‘really’? You

nuts are worried about Muppet puppets sexual interests? Right

wing nutter Bryan Fisher totally “flipped out” with cover saying

“They are romantically coupled on the couch…The New Yorker
who has got them in a “homosexual clinch” in front of the TV”

(Oh, so he’s insane)

I was not aware “hugs” are different for loving couples vs “gays”

Ah so regular heterosexual couples like Sonja & I “hug”, BUT it

is the gays that get each other in a “homosexual clinch” never to

escape. Do they “gay” park their car, or “gay” eat diner, or “gay”

work out, or “gay” take a shit? People like Fisher might protest

too much, & want to be “clinched” by one soon. What a toolbox

The good news is this, it’s the New Yorker, if that is their “take”

on the events, it’s their right. Freedom cuts both ways, jeeeeeez

Tomorrow: protestor arrested for using Chalk, & Hastings RIP

Have a day!

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