Let me 1st quote 80’s songster Eric Carmen’s ditty “Hungry Eyes”
(I sing pretty)
I feel the magic between you and I; I’ve got hungry eyes
Now I’ve got you in my sights, With those hungry eyes
Now did I take you by surprise, don’t put baby in a corner
Tony “Carlos Dangers” Weiner’s career will always be dick man
But how did it all end for him? Running through a McDonald’s
away from hopefully HIV free Sidney Leathers. Finally ending
with; the middle finger. Ah yes, you sure showed them Anthony
(sit & spin?!?!)
Classy with a capitol K. He & Spitzer should start a club called,
“Hey, check it out, we can all fuck people other than our wives”
Most people call it swingers, but they forgot to tell their ladies
I guess the ‘Weiner’ thinks the world doesn’t care about all the
policy views of a guy who pops his cock on line to women other
than his wife, then lie about it. Tony, you brought it on yourself
What started out as political career, has ended in a comic book
(dangerous only on-line)
image of a sad, tiny fucked up little man who was power hungry
His hungry eyes were waaaaaaaaaaaay bigger than his stomach
You Can’t Fix Stupid
The FOX noise hate bubble after Obama’s speech was on another
level. Some guys like Rand Paul don’t want war. But it’s TeaOPers
(indeed nutter)
like McCain who want bombings & full out warfare. Let us forget
we never even put war with Syria on the table. But THAT IS how
monumentally fucking stupid they are. Also forget we never put,
“randomly bombing” on the table. Facts?!?! Reality?! Who needs
that silly shit. What are you some “egg head” with no balls?!?!?!?
See, I’m not Obama’s biggest fan boy. He’s not nearly progressive
enough for me with NSA, Gitmo’s still open, let the tax cuts keep
(thanks dude)
going, didn’t get singlepayer healthcare, & some others. He’s also
far more “conservative leading” than I’d like. But all these moron
insane whack jobs don’t care. Fuck facts, fuck reality, just HATE
These people are just insane. If he does not “senselessly bomb”
people in Syria causing collateral damage or hitting allies, he is
weak. If he doesn’t start a war with Syria for a regime change &
the people taking over are worse/a new Iraq, he’s a failure. Oh,
(Boom, this!)
& if he actually uses diplomacy like Kerry “accidentally did” for
the desired outcome of Syria having no more chemical weapons
he’s “a fucking pussy”. Jeeeeeeeez. It’s like a child screaming in
joy, “fuck the score, I always win”. You can never appease crazy
Crazy never takes a day off, it never cares about facts, & it hates
reality with all it’s might. Sadly, “crazy” is all they got left today
And demographically they will never be elected again by voters
It is not good at all, we need a valid second party in this country
Tomorrow: Putin’s Op-Dead-Not Such A Great Piece There
Have a day!