It seems Ted Cruz is now “Cruising” for the racist voter. Wait, did
I say “seems”? It is all they have left in the entire party, & they are
(most punchable face)
all dying by the day. “Cruzy” stood up, in front of the “older white
guys of America” the Heritage Foundation to spew this little gem:
“We need a hundred more like Jesse Helms in the U.S. Senate….”
What…the…fuck?!?!? Jesse Helms was an unrepentant racist ass
I guess he thinks the entire Senate should be filled with “Racists”
In fairness they already got about 48. They’re called Republicans
(100 evil assholes)
Who was Jesse Helms ya ask? Oh, just a guy who told Orin Hatch
about the 1st African American women Carol Mosley Braun this:
“Watch me make her cry. I’m going to make her cry. I’m going to
sing ‘Dixie’ until she cries.” (hitting the lines about pre-civil war)
He really puts the Ass in classy, and may he forever “Rest In Piss”
It seems their “voter outreach” has hit yet another snag. You see,
it is really hard to appeal to new minority voters when ya publicly
(racism 3.0, two thumbs up)
state you fucking hate them. Stay classy you turd idiots. The next
elections in 2014 will end their party of hate once & for all. Good
And the great joy I take in that, it that it came by their own hands
They’re the David Carradine of political party’s. Self Asphyxiation
Benghazi Butthurt Fail 101
Two groups of TeaOP’er screaming insane nutty bullshit decided
they would hold a Benghazi rally because it’s a huge scandal now
(Yes, Psycho)
Forget we already had hearings on this, forget every piece of data
and facts has been collected, forget it was a tragic event killing 4
See, they KNOW Odummer did it, & it’s a “false flag”, & he’s evil
They got a permit for 5,000, so how many people showed up? 58
Let’s just call this what it is; a collection of loud delusional bigots
who are struggling dealing with the year 2013. Ahem, it is gonna
(last gasps of “stupid”)
get worse for them, because then comes 2014, 15, 16, 17, & on
These people do have a lot in common with our founding fathers
They are all living in 1776, treat African American’s/minorities as
third class citizens, and think slavery is awesome unless it’s them
When they all loudly yell, “We want to take the country back” it’s
really shouting, “Us white people should only hold power, and no
minorities/immigrants allowed”. No, it is the government OF the
people, BY the people, & FOR the people. That means everybody!
(Where’s Waldo?)
But as they yell louder, & their number become smaller by the day
They will all slowly fade into the darkness……never to return again
Until on the news or a police blotter for some horrible racist action
Note: the best political ad ever done. It’s insane & ‘drunkly bizarre’
Tomorrow: US Naval Shooting Horror & Putin Op-ed tomorrow
Have a day!