Creepy Anti-Obamacare Ads

September 23rd, 2013

So sorry, I had a shoot today that took me until 4:30pm CST

And now we have a collection of loud insane morons who are

(creepy insane)

under some stupid impression this “Established Law” is now

magically “debatable”. No, we had a full year of debate in ’09

We passed the law, parts have been implemented with much

success(ending pre-existing conditions. staying on your folks

insurance until 25, etc), & was upheld by the Supreme Court

It’s not getting overturned, it’s politically impossible. But it’s

not important to loud lying insane partisan turds. They don’t

care about facts. The TeaOP has tried to repeal ACA 41 times

Like the idiot birthers, they’ll try another 20 times & badly fail

(ha ha ha ha ha)

Forget about the reality they can’t ever defund or repeal ACA

because they only control the house, & anything would die in

the Senate. Forget that if somehow passes it, which will never

happen, but IF it did with odds of 9,673,087,231 to 1 it would

now go to the Presidents desk where he would “veto” it ASAP

That’s the problem with his insane, hateful, ignorant, monster

The GOP created in the TeaOP. It’s loudly shoving them all off

a cliff while they all scream, “Nuh huh, we’re teaching you all

how to fly, you should thank us!”. What did this “conservative”

activist group do? Created an anti-Obamacare ad for $750,000

With a creepy as all fuck Uncle Sam literally “raping” patients


I guess they were deciding: “Geeee, should we just burn the $,

or spend it on something utterly insane & worthless? Boom, #2

it is!!!!”. They killed their party long ago, and now you are just

politically seeing effects of years of death. The corpse is stinkin’

They tried this stunt on college campus’s to effect younger kids

This group called “Generation Opportunity” is what every GOP

activist groups does. It means the exact “Opposite” of their title

They think the younger is fucking stupid. Well news flash, they

are NOT, & you don’t buy the fucking lies & partisan hate they

are selling. It’s a Koch Brothers funded group. They totally lost

& they only appeal to older dolt voters who are dyin’ by the day

Have a day!

One Response to “Creepy Anti-Obamacare Ads”

  1. sleep music

    sleep music

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