1st off, public disclosure, I’m a big fan of vagina’s of every shape, size,
(What did you do?)
and form. Well the last two for sure, but here’s the point. You got the
TeaOP today screaming running around the kitchen banging a pot &
pan with a spoon; as Harry “My Voice Can Make You Sleepy” Reid is
watching them. So you got 1 of 3 choices here. 1) ignore it, 2) spank it
or 3) verbally tell them “you’re in a time out NOW buddy”. I’d choice
(“TO bitch!”)
#3 because all of sane America agrees, & if they want to commit their
political suicide, let them. At some point we need actual leaders, and
statemen/states woman to step the fuck up & end this insane douche
baggery. It will happen, and only happen once we get all the lobbyist
$ out of politics. Until then, it’s trading out the spouse abuser for the
crack head. While a tiny upgrade, it’s still draining us all. TeaOP are
(Learn it!)
loud insane American Taliban. The Dem’s are pussy idiots who cow
tow to them. Who’s worse?!?! Meh, it’s like discussing which turd is
the most polished. They’re both turds allowing it. Which sucks balls
Sorry, editing a local project for an ad agency so please be patient….
Tomorrow: The “Fakey Flakey Filibuster Fuckup” From Cruz
Have a day!