We have a government shut down; & it’s all due to the TeaOP House

(Crazy won’t listen)

The government shut down is based on 2 main reasons. One: insane

idiots who were elected to run the US Government don’t understand

their job is to actually keep it OPEN to run it. And two: lying partisan

morons who are trying to ‘change’ the literal score in a football game,

cause they don’t like the results. ACA was “voted” on, it passed, it was

signed into law, & even upheld by the Supreme Court/Flying Justices

In Super Robes. You lost, it’s fucking over, done, finished, kaput, ova


But to people who don’t live in the real world, fuck it. They are ‘Bluto’

from the great political thriller Animal House who shouts these gems:

“What? Over? Did you say “over”? Nothing is over until we decide it
is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!”

Forget he ran out of the room alone after yelling, “Who’s with me?!”

Forget they all got expelled, never graduated, & Bluto literally in the

end went on to become a “US Senator”, *Cough* Ted Cruz. Because

only they can vote/win. No, they got exactly what they wanted. If ya

don’t get your way everytime, then blow up the entire house until ya

do. This’ll last 3 days, or a week at most. But the damage these ass’s

(I’m “reason”!)

inflicted on all rational American’s will never be forgotten, E-V-E-R

The great “irony” here, the shutdown DOESN’T EFFECT Obamacare

It also leads to Tan-man getting shit canned badly. Even he knows it

“What do you say to those (unpaid)workers?” *turnsback walks away*

FOX, now the WSJ, & every conservative partisan rag will try to spin

this. It is not “Spinable”. They put a gun to all of our heads yelling big,

“End Obamacare, or we shut the whole government down right now!!!
You know “the government”. That thing we work for and were elected
to run. But now since we can’t, fuck it, we don’t want to run it now!!!!”

It’s like a loud insane fucking utterly stupid child screaming, “I can do

better, & you suck!!!”. You step aside, give them a chance, so then they

fuck it all up making things 50x’s worse. Sit down you mega assholes!

(how’d that go again?)

Grown ups must now fix the big Republican mess you made….AGAIN

As a society, we’re getting pretty fucking sick of this. Soon we’ll say no

Good news; in 2014 these “loud lying partisan lacky’s” all get launched

While the Dems are pussies, & some are “Corporatist Whores’, at least

they are not ‘insane lying partisan anarchist baby’s soiling themselves’

One Democrat spoke pretty heated on the subject. Too bad more don’t

Said it before, I’ll say it again. You can’t talk or reason with “Crazy!!!!”

Now the Uncivil war between “hard right”, & the “lunar right” begins

(“shoot the poor!!!”)

And the “lunar” didn’t learn a thing from history, the “hard” did. It all

ends badly for Republican’s losing all control, but shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

For some it’s racism, & for others it’s loud proud ignorance. Both suck

They’re going into the darkness(as I predicted) never to be seen again

If you want to know how they see all this ending?! Well, take a looksy

Note: best way ever to quit your job, when you really dislike your boss

Have a day!

2 Responses to “Day 1: “American Tantrum”/”Uncivil War””

  1. Josephinele

    ???????? Twitch
    ???????? ???????? Twitch 2025

  2. Charlesgot

    Steigere Twitch und Kick Zuschauer

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