S-7…S-7. D-69…D-69. Bigot Bingo! We are now on “day 15” of the insane concoction known as the ‘2013 Government Shutdown’. So, Republican’s (Yes, they are) did it, the country blames em, & yet they still don’t…CARE. Why is that?! Because they understand their party died, & it’s over. But why else then?! Well, you have […]
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What do our government shutdown and diapers have in common?!?! They’re both attached to loud crying babies, stink, and are full of shit (zing!) Day, 14. I can’t actually believe I’m typing this. They do…not…care…. they just don’t. They NEVER will. Fuck facts, screw reality, ignore all economists(stupid no-nothing eggheads), keep marching off that cliff […]
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No. Wait, that was way to fast. *waits for 3 seconds* No! Don’t ever go as Thor unless you’re Chris Hemsworth. Then you can go as Thor…..OR (Awesome!) make sure you go as, “Super Fat Outta Shape Thor”. That would work Either that or Fat Hulk, everyone loves Fat Hulk. He’s cuddly and angry The […]
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It seems the TeaOP wants to offer a Debt Ceiling extension of 6 weeks Since they originally said, “I get to kill your kid, OR I burn down your (the TeaOP) house, then take all your money”. So they took, “taking all your money” off the table, FOR ONLY 6 WEEKS. And while our house […]
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This shocks ‘nobody’ who paid the slightest attention to the “clown car” Day 9 now brings us “adults” reaching deep into the backs side of their (Tea Party IS Idiocracy) pants, pulling out a clump of their feces, & proudly yelling, “It’s gold!!!” Almost every Republican I have seen on TV, save for 2, or […]
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Well it’s now day 8 of the largest partisan tantrum in American history With that already bad, we now have the debt ceiling: call it Tantrum II (where’s the Jobs?!?!) The current version of children holding our entire country hostage have two things in common. They want to burn it all down, and they want […]
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When someone who’s a soulless evil vile partisan asshole is building their own coffin & shouting, “Look, I’m making a Republican Space Ship”; you (The turds have landed) don’t stop them. In fact, you don’t do a thing. If anything, you walk on by & complement them on the fine handy work. You can’t reason […]
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Start your “nerd boners”. Hey, don’t judge, women can get “lady (it will be great!) boners” too. Check this out, it’s pretty cool. Wow, it’s already the biggest Block Buster of the 2015 summer, & that summer is way away. Meh, rock all your weekends, have fun, drink a few for me and I’ll make […]
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They think this is a fucking game. They think our lives, our country economy, & our government is one big ass game to play with people (and we know why) Mitch “Turtle Cock” McConnell and Rand “Teaturd” Paul were just “caught” before an interview on camera saying THIS to each other: Rand(off mic): “Do you […]
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The Teaturds gave to us…TWO meaningless sound bytes, and a meeting as useless as peeeeeeeeeeeeee. Now Obama is going to Meet The Fockers (“I elected these idiots”) He will meet with them at 5:30pm Boehner, Pelosi, Reid and McConnell This meeting will go something like this: “What the hell are you doing?!” John: “I can’t […]
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