I have family in town right now, & with a 14 year old girls birthday (usually it is) and my mother in law, it’s all hands on deck. The only people that lose are you. So sorry. I will post on “Turkey Day”, & then again on Monday December 2nd. Again, sorry. But family always […]
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Sorry about yesterday; just getting over a bad cold, and I make no excuses. I was lazy, & playing video games with my brother (“I push button”) Anywho, it seems the Congressional Democratic party has just grown a spine. They decided, “enough with a shitty bratty turd games”. They went Nuclear on the Republican’s for […]
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Everybody loves ‘Wal-Mart’. The older, the grossly overweight, red necks, people in need of 100LB tub of mayonnaise. Ah, the “people (Try Unlucky) of Wal-Mart” are now the employees. So, Wal-Mart decided to do a “food drive”, for all the under paid workers in the US, which would be the actual employees of Wal-Mart. It’s […]
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George Zimmerman’s current girlfriend Samantha Scheibe called 911 According to a police report on the incident, Scheibe said that after an (classy cat) argument, Zimmerman broke a table with a shotgun then pointed it at her “for a minute.”. She then said, “He is inside my house breaking all my (things) because I asked him […]
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Here’s the great news about racists. They are really “really” fucking stupid There is really nothing that says “Superior Race” like putting up recruiting (lose the hood cowards) fliers…in a heavy African American neighborhood. Ooooooooooooooooops The best quote from the whole fuck up was “Well, we don’t have no way of judging where we’re putting […]
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Yes, that is me. A nucking ferd. I waited, in line this morning in Chicago, in the cold, at 4:50am in front of Target to pick it (Frozen ass!) up. I got the PS4!! Sonja & I were the 3rd & 4th person there We waited, froze our nuts & ovaries off. BUT, it was […]
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Mr. Francis Bacon’s painting just sold for a cool $142 million (I am & don’t call me Shirley) He’s an Irish-born British artist known for “bold, raw” work For being a dead guy, he is sure worth a lot of $. I guess you say that about anyone really dead celeb. I did not know […]
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It seems a Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen doesn’t agree with 87% of American’s. But, the good news is that he now “agrees” (The Abominable Asshole) with over 90% of American’s in 1958. Whoooooooooooooo hooooo He said, “People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering a mayor-elect of New York-a white man […]
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Seems 60 Minutes had a bit of an “Ooopsy”. By “Oooopsy”, I meant they did a story about Benghazi with a ‘source’. But, it (Big Bang Theory or Grimm) came out, he was lying. How did they find out?!?! Oh, simple they checked his FBI report…AFTER the final big piece aired Ooooooooooooooops. They did issue […]
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Today is Veteran’s day, but everyday really should be. They kick so much ass, they may as well be UFC fighters. All them, every one. Thank you for (yes they do) your service. Now if only our political promises were kept, we would ALL be happy. But we don’t help our veteran’s enough. Both for […]
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