Papa Don’t Preach…Hate…

November 4th, 2013

Ted Cruz’s father is a real asshole. Seems the asshole doesn’t fall far

from the anus tree. Joe McCathy Jr Senior wants racists to vote for

(shut your bigot hut)

his son. He loves the racists, & they love him right back. In 2012, he

decided to openly declare, “We need to send Barack Obama back to

Chicago, I’d like to send him back to Kenya!” to loud applause from

older, white, Texan Racist Fucksticks. When the Cruz campaign was

asked to respond to his “words”, they did what all serving Republican

does. Lie, ignore reality/fact, & then lie more: “These selective quotes,

(what evil racist sociopaths)

taken out of context…..mischaracterize the substance of Pastor Cruz’s

message”. Pretty damn hard to take his “birther”, & “racist” views out

of context. They came directly out of his mouth. So I guess the “pastor

part” is only for a congregation of “bigoted idiots”. That voter outreach

is going amazing, keep it up. They will cease to be a political party after

the 2014 elections. Shit they never were a political party for the last 40


years. They’re a national hate group of older white racist males. Gross

It’s Bears versus the Packers tonight. If the Bears get four or more turn

overs, they can win. If they do not, they might get “blown out” of this 1

Have a day!

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