Super Typhoon, & Panic Time

November 7th, 2013

What happens in the Philippines when all the local authorities grounded air

& sea transport on Thursday asking every boat to return to port? Oh, well, a

(it’s Hucking Fuge)

Super Typhoon! Not a Venti, Trenta, or Grande, but a “Super”. Believe me…

it only comes in “Mega Large”, & “Holy Shit Balls Run”. Hope people listen,

evacuate, and are safe. This is serious shit happening. Mother Nature is one

“super” angry bitch. I wonder who pissed in her coffee?!?!? This will be one

big storm. Possibly the wost in years. Not than any of them are ever “good”

In fact, they’re huge natural murder machines trying to cause as much shit

(Um, maybe RUN!)

damage as possible. Stay strong Philippines, & find something bolted down

Then hang on with all you got. Me?! I’d start leaving. That storm looks bad

Be strong, our thoughts are with you guys. And remember, we can rebuild

For Republican’s, The Party’s Over

Seems the elections were a telling rejection of all things TeaOP, but one big

acceptance of all things green, as in CASH MONEY. So running on “Killing

(So  long!)

Obamacare”, fuck immigrants, & “no Cock Sucking ever” didn’t work at all

That’s such a wild word, “cock sucker”. It applies to a lot of people, like the

women who suck them, & the men who do the same. It almost loses all the

sting when you yell, “You cocksucker!”, then some gay guy turns around &

says, “Yeah, AND?????”. Meh, it’s one big nasty cease pool of ignorant hate

It’s going to get worse for them. They have an internal uncivil war that will

break them into two parties: lying totally unreasonable corporatist whores

and the far right insane Tea Turd Alex Jones Beck FOX loud loony wackos

(I’m winning!)

The one party left standing is the whores, but they will be marginalized by

MUCH less numbers and politically fighting themselves. The only hope?!

Purge the entire TeaOP. But they won’t cause they’ve shown NO ONE will

stand up to them since they get all of the racist base votes & are scared for

their seats. In the end they still all lose them anyway in dumbass districts

FOX has a 24-7 cycle of Obamacare lies. And why is that!? Well, honestly

I don’t know. It’s the law, it’s not going anywhere, it will work as soon as

people fucking READ & UNDERSTAND the law. I had to, because at the

(Better yet, don’t)

time, I had no insurance, & needed to know if it was a good or bad thing

It’s a GOOD thing, & you mark my words right now on THIS date. Once

it’s up, running well, & people love it, REPUBLICAN’S will try to take all

the credit for it while STILL trying to gut it all behind the scenes. That is

if they still exist in 5 years with any real power. They won’t, they’re done

NOTE: if you follow me, you know I list Right Wing Watch as a source
from time to time as it’s simply people’s own words in context. Well, it
was taken down from YouTube, by a right wing assbag named “Gordan
“Dr. Chaps” Klingenschmidtt”. They have legal rights under YouTube’s
Fair Use policy to show the clips, yet it was taken down. Please act now

Have a day!

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