Sorry about yesterday; just getting over a bad cold, and I make
no excuses. I was lazy, & playing video games with my brother
(“I push button”)
Anywho, it seems the Congressional Democratic party has just
grown a spine. They decided, “enough with a shitty bratty turd
games”. They went Nuclear on the Republican’s for all the new
court nominations. But why? Ohhh, well because since Obama
took office, 50% of the nominee’s filibustered in the history of
the United States, all happened by Republicans under ‘Obama’
In under 5 years, they have filibustered HALF the nominee’s in
our history. And, of the 23 district court nominee’s filibustered
our history, 20, have been under Obama. Does that sound at all
(yes you did ace)
normal to you? No, it doesn’t to any rational person. Sadly, this
doesn’t apply to legislation: this is only for nominee’s. It seems
the day of, “Knock this fucking silly shit off” has officially come
And it couldn’t happen to a bigger group of lying partisan turds
This is like a loud screaming child getting a time out. My guess
is that they won’t learn a single fucking thing from all this ‘hate’
The ‘TeaOP’ was trying to redo the ’12 elections pretending they
won the election. They fucking didn’t. You lose, good day SIR!!!
Have a weekend!