When you’re fathers name is DICK, you may be a little shitty as a

person. Well, the demon spawn of Mr. Potter, mixed with “Darth

(“Open hand slap!”)

Vader” Liz Cheney was running for office in Wyoming. Well, not

anymore. It seems her & Palin now have something wonderful in

common; quitting! She dropped out of the race…..mostly because

she saw the writing on the wall. The writing that said “Ahem, you

will lose so very badly lady”. So I guess like her father she does not

have the “heart” for it. Zing! The exit has nothing to do with a poll

that a TeaOP super pac conducted in November has Liz ‘down’ by

53 points. It’s over, done, finished. When a red state like Wy. now

rejects your brand of crazy, it’s all over but the crying. So the next

time you see Liz it will be at CPAC, or her ‘new show’ on FOX that

is called ‘No One But You Idiots Would Hire Me Cause I Suck Ass’

It’s right after Huckabee, & right before “Racists Say Funny Stuff”

New “Hunger Strike” For Bigots

What if I told you there was a new hero for homophobic bigots?!?!

You’d rush right out & punch “a gay” then right? Well a Utah man,

(“I’m a moron”)

Trestin Meacham decided to go on a hunger strike until the state

will nullify “gay marriage”.Yeah, remember when Gandhi did his

to support the hateful moron bigot ass’s needing discrimination?

Yeah, me neither. But I think he’s on to something here for all the

religious fundie nutters. If they refuse to eat, less of them around

If ‘goofy dipshits’ could fly our whole country would be an airport


Meh, then starve buddy. ‘Equal protection under the law’ will not

change because you didn’t eat. Your pants might fit better, or you

might navigate through crowds easier, & hid behind trees. But the

douche will go down in our pop culture history as the loud fart on

the public bus during rush hour. Trestin, if you starve, you won!!!

Wow, such rational thinking right there; his starvin’ fixed nothing

Have a day!

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