You can’t spell Ailes without “seal”. He wanted trained seals to do all
his bidding since the “Coked up 80’s”. It seems nothing has changed
(“You’re fired for telling the truth”)
Anyone who speaks out will be attacked, beaten verbally, & followed
It’s the mantra of the hard right today; “Do what I say, or die!”. How
intellectually robust sharing big ideas that work, OR “Screaming the
loudest, & taking out anyone who stands in your way”. Potato……evil
This guy Gabriel Sherman wrote a book called “Loudest Voice in The
Room”. It’s about FOX non-news head honcho Rodger Ailes in detail
But, they had some “other” working titles of “The Fattest Fuck in The
(try “biggest brother”)
Room”, “The Largest Liar on The Planet”, & “The Biggest Prick Ever”
Random House went with “Ailes vs. Jabba-Ailes Wins”. I kid, I joke!
But Gabriel spoke with over 600 folks, who worked directly for Ailes
at FOX. And the results are “damning”. Not that it should shock any
one at all. It would be like “finding out the villain in the story” was a
“Villain”. Um, we already knew that, so thanks for nothing. The best
part of the whole thing? Sherman asked, “Dozens of times” to speak
with Ailes both in writing and in person & about “every aspect” of his
(Um, no but nice try)
book. A team of “two fact-checkers” spent more than 2,000 hours of
vetting the manuscript before publication; fatty declined every single
request. What was FOX’s response to the book? Oh just “We did not
read it at all, and it was never fact checked at FOX”. Yes, you read it
too. The words “FOX” & “Fact Checked” in the same sentence. Ha!!!
It’s that old timey “the movie I didn’t watch sucked” lie. The biggest
problem I see for his business model is that all his viewers are ‘dying’
With no youth watching. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops
(Possible “love child”?)
He is taking his final death nail seriously, and it will get much worse
He even hired a lackey Zev Chafetz to write a “pro-me I’m awesome”
biography version to release at the same time called, “Rodger Ailes:
Off Camera”; cause “Rodger Ailes: On Camera-Ahhhh!” didn’t work
Tomorrow: Christie’s Revenge With “Meh, I Shut Down A Bridge”