After reading the titles of Skin-a-max late night adult shows,
the “Gloden Globes” were not at all what I thought they’d be
(grab the popcorn!)
They are just nice looking statues people win from the Holly
Wood foreign press; and sounds like something ya buy when
running a newspaper company to print huge papers in mass
Well Tina, who was my Second City level 2 teacher all in the
Conservatory was really funny. As was Amy Poehler from the
UCB in Chicago, NYC, & even LA. Good times. And so no one
puked up their cocktails live on stage. Meh, there is “always”
(nice stair work)
hope for 2015. That, & they need to have live hungry animals
on stage to add that degree of “holy shit they might be chowed
on at any second” to it. I know they wouldn’t need the “music”
to move them all along with the ‘thank you speeches’ any more
Christie Creamed
By now you’ve heard all about Chris Christie’s “Bridge Shut
Down” problem. See, some people in his campaign or office
decided to shut down a bridge to only one toll lane for some
political spite. E-mails leaked about people directly working
for Christie decided to punish Fort Lee mayor Mark Sokolich
E-mails were between Deputy Chief Of Staff Bridget Kelly &
Chief spokes person of Chris Christie Michael Drewniak. SO,
remember, you can’t spell “bridge tension” without “Bridget”
It seems Chris has a 2 hour marathon weird PR event of big
confusion only stallin that he knew something. He did simply
(the party’s over)
because you know the actions of your DCOS, and your CHIEF
spokesman of your own OFFICE. They do his biding & you’re
not gonna tell me they ‘acted on their own’. Bridget was fired
Christe did the “one sin” in politics that is unforgivable: lying
about it all after you’re busted. Depending on what it is some
will even forgive you. Saying, “the buck stops here”, and then
throwing the “two main players” in this who report directly to
him under the bus is telling. He is in deep shit, & fat sinks fast
Tomorrow: Maine TeaOP finds 2 10th of 1% in welfare fraud
Have a day!