Stupor Bowl, & Testy Talk…

February 3rd, 2014

Wow, the SeaHawks ‘dominated’ Manning like the 85′ Bears

I was totally wrong. The entire game, all the Bronco’s looked


drunk & stoned out of their minds. Miss-cues, fumbles, turn

overs, & botched plays. They got smoked like a fat blunt 43-8

Shit, I haven’t ever seen an ass beating like this since I was 6

years old acting up at the mall…ZING! That “game” was over

in the 1st 6 minutes. When the only ‘interesting thing’ in that

Super Bowl is whether Flea would wear a shirt on not; ooops

A highlight of the evening was the ‘coin flip’ by Broadway Joe

“picked off” by the Ref. He forgot to ask Seattle to “call it”!!!!

(planet Hoth wear?!?!)

After that, shit went downhill SO fast for the Bronco’s, it was

like 5 “fat kids” on a toboggan sliding on an iced up mountain

Well, next year, maybe they can have it indoors, or someplace

warm. Afterall, if the games over on the 1st snap…..cold sucks

Since they like ‘weed’ themed bowls, try the “Jamaican Bowl”

BTW in the Puppy Bowl X it looks like Mandy might get MVP

Howard Dean Douches It Up

Never let it be said Democrats aren’t “Fidiots” too. Just “fewer”

It’s not the letter in front of the name; it’s when they bring the

(the yell!)

insane shame. Dean does not “want” or “support” a peace deal

with Iran. Oh, really? Ok, let us listen to why. He must make a

great point. He said “We need to stand up to the mullahs, these

are not people we ought to be negotiating with”. Oh, then how

do you propose “peace talks” when you won’t talk? Osmosis?!?

Prayer? So then, why would he take this position in support of

ex-terrorist groups like MEK? Oh, because he TAKES THEIR $

He is ‘lobbying on their behalf’, not America’s. While I support

(paid mouth piece)

human rights, our ability to solve internal conflicts and “Rifts”

has been poor at best. Oh, and MEK was taken off the terrorist

list in 04 listed as “noncombatant”. Then in 2012, after this big

ass lobbying campaign, they were “delisted”. The best congress

& lobbyists $ can buy. Each American, should have their OWN

lobbyist; or no one gets one. We all need a voice, not just ‘cash’

He doesn’t know a fucking thing he’s spewing. Not, one THING

RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman

The road has ended, the struggle over, & time; more peaceful

He had his demons with heroin. The most ‘erotic’ & deadly of

(50 bags of H?)

drugs. It is a crazy loud world out there, & some people must

turn down the noise. Sorry we could not be a better place for

you. That is something we must all strive for. But until we do,

some people aren’t long for this world, but the impact is great

Tomorrow: Mike Suckabee’s Turn, & Right Bigots Freak out

Have a day!

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