Economic “SociopatHOLES”

February 19th, 2014

I got the most horribly vile story of a young 2014 without a doubt

What if I told you a collection of wealthy Wall Streeter’s had their

(the douche clinic)

own frat?! Now, what if I told you, a reporter was able to sit in on

a “party” & recorded them? It turns out every person in that room

are hateful sociopathic evil villainous lying assholes. Who knew?!

Kappa Beta Die played ALL the “hits”. Everything from “Laughing

about the economy they wrecked” in an ABBA parody song called

“Bailout King” instead of “Dancing Queen”, to a joke of Q “What’s

the biggest difference between Hillary Clinton & a catfish?!?!?” A

“One has whiskers and stinks, and the other is a fish”. Oh, it’s not

(Jordan Belfort stand-up?)

remotely done. We still got investment banking CEO idiot Warren

Stevens wearing his Confederate flag hat, to sing a song about the

financial crisis, set to the tune of “Dixie”, & Barney Frank “jokes”

about coming in another man’s anus. The material goes over great

with, “wealthy, hatefully bigoted, & totally detached psychopaths”

I finally “get it”. They NEED the shadows, because in sunlight, it’s

unsustainable, impossible to vocalize without having the collective

of the US stand up & rip their still beating hearts out of their chest

(Neophytes in drag)

We ‘allowed’ these financial sociopaths to kill, then spit in our face

This is OUR fault. They’ve no consequences yet. So here’s my idea:

If you serve these people, spit in in their food. Place Visine in their drinks.
Make them wait in line for extended hours. Mislabel, misfile, or make shit
disappear. Use the power you DO have to abuse them of their status as they
have done far worse to all of us. The reason? They do not fucking care. They
are incapable of remorse. They’re pure evil, & they believe they’re magically
“above” the norms of living in a rational society. Let’s make em remember

The reporter Kevin Roose was finally discovered by a guy who said

“Who the hell are you?”. He said, “I’m a reporter”. At this point he

was grabbed by the arm forcefully to be thrown out, & they were in

serious damage control now. They tried everything from “hey, WE

can help you gain access” to “if you don’t run the story, the people

in this room will pay you off“. Ah, bribery is like drawing a fucking

breath of air to these vile creatures. Thankfully Kevin stood firm, &

wouldn’t cave. He needed to tell this story. I noticed Buffet, Pincus,

(their world view)

Gates, Warburg, Soros, Reichmann, & others not at that “Party”. It

seems, not everyone who makes $ fairly needs to be evil. But these

soulless lying fuckers know it just comes naturally. Last I checked,

when you have an out of control rabid dog you need to put it down

How they are any different, I do not know. But now their meme of

“Hey, we’re persecuted” is almost here; but it’s cause you started it

When you abuse others, piss on our faces, and then ‘laugh’ about it

You might want to expect some severe reactions. You got it coming

And the great joy is, you never read a history book, you always lose

Tomorrow: Bigot Michael Dunn Face Of Evil, & Ukraine Uprising

Have a day!

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