It seems the Russian government won’t admit to doing anything
It is like a guy punching a cat, you point out that he is, & then he
(That’s a crime-mea)
says, “No I’m not hitting a cat. You have no proof”. Putin’s puttin
his military right up against protesters. Shit, they even took over
Crimea. This is not good at all. It’s terrible, wrong, arrogant, and
insane at a level which shows they don’t listen to any of their own
citizens. This is serious, deadly shit right here; and our SOS John
Kerry is discussing all options. You do NOT just “invade” another
country on false pretenses. Um, “Putin On The Hits” is out of his
fucking mind. Ukraine is sovereign. You can’t just go ‘occupying’
shit willy nilly. Who do you think you are, George W. Bush?!?!?!
(he’s an odd bird)
If they start this, the world community must isolate, punish, and
deny them everything from trade, to begin military force against
them. We held Saddam as evil for doing what “Valid the Inhaler”
is doing right now, when he tired to go into Kuwait. Get your shit
together Russia. The world doesn’t like bullies anymore, assholes
Alex Jones Bigot Boy Barking
Alex Jones & Fucker Carlson decided to lament racism in the US
by spewing horrifically racist, detached, hateful, & hurtful lies at
(Asshole Fonzi)
every turn. When ever Republican’s, Libertarians, or “TeaOP’er”
assholes discuss “race”; they ignore history, facts, reality, & ALL
‘statistics found today in society’ showing racial inequality and a
level of income inequality that is FAR more widened today, then
ever before in our history. Their big bubble of hate in which they
live in can’t allow facts. The bottom line today is that ‘racists’ are
sicking of having to be called out for being massive ‘racists’. Well,
that’s not societies problem. It fucking YOURS, all you ‘assholes’
(dipshit theater)
Listen to Alex Jones & Tucker “the fucker” Carlson spew the hate
See they think “government hands out spoils based on skin color”
Holy fucking shit you loser racist assholes. It’s “dog whistle hate”
If you don’t want to be called racist, stop saying really racist shit
But they want to, they need to. It is their ‘only’ identity left in the
Republican/TeaOP movement. They’re cornered, with ‘nowhere’
to go by down the drain. And society thinks “the faster the better”
Tomorrow: Dem Governor Jerry Brown’s Weak Weed Bullshit
Have a day!