Benghazi, birth certificate, ‘Merica, Freedoms, less gumberment,

lies, ignorance, St. Reagan, & older white racists. CPAC has it all!

(sadly true)

It’s like a Far Right Wing Hate Porn convention of “shit flinging”

insanity. Whoooooooooopie! It was the usual Clown Car chocked

full of freaky filthy frothing at the mouth nutty twerks(twit+jerk)

Ryan, Paul, Christie, Cruz, & Trump. They sound like cheap cars

The funniest & most insane thing on that stage (which is saying a

lot) was a “Bob Dylan-like” folk singer trying to create “empathy”

for the put upon top 2% & poor conservatives who just want their

“freedom” w/”god & guns is all we need”. I’m not fucking kidding

(empty diversity seminar)

I guess this singer’s what happens when Victoria Jackson is busy

giving “handys” by a bigass rusty dumpster. Nice. How about you

play a game with me, “go spot the Confederate flag license plates”

Different year, same tired bullshit: Reagan is God, guns are great,

we’re not conservative enough so push farther right over that cliff

They are incapable of learning. If they were, they wouldn’t still be

“conservative Tea Party” people. So they’re all squealing for their

corporate welfare while tryin to demonize anyone who isn’t them

(the talking anus)

There is literally no difference between this & an SNL sketch of it

I heard CPAC stands for “Conservative Plutocrats Always Crying”

If ya want to see the comedy gold you can keep up with it HERE

Tomorrow: The Boca Raton KKK Flag Mega Racist, & Kid Sues

Enjoy, & have a day!

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