CPAC is a room filled with every F student all screaming, “We’re
the best n brightest tea Republicans the entire world has to offer”
(“I always lie”)
Paul Ryan thinks government school lunches are real bad. Forget
that he got SS help as a kid for the ‘lunches’ when his father died
Yet that was “different”. You see HE needed it, but the others are
all just “takers”, “mooches”, or “big losers”. The entire TeaOP’ers
today have lost that sense of “shame” hypocrisy, & bald faced lies
I guess ‘your’ dumb ass mom just didn’t “care about you” like you
said at CPAC. Forget this story (like every Republican SPEWS) is
100% made up bullshit. They ALL refuse to live in reality. I guess
their idea to end domestic poverty is to ‘starve poor kids to death’
Nice. So Palin(who never gets mentioned again) did a neat “Jesse
(lowest IQ)
Helms/Turd Cruz” impression, reading from Green Eggs & Sham
using Uncle Sam instead of Sam I Am. Why exactly do people run
for office screamin “fuck all government now get me a job there”?
If you hate it, you’re not ever going to fix it, & only seek to END it
then by your own logic, just stay the fuck away from it! We know,
arsonists don’t want to be firemen. They can only start fires, they
won’t/can’t/refuse to ever put them out. So then Bachman Turner
Moron drive decided to try to spin that all the Republican’s are an
“Intellectual” movement; that rejects science, facts, economics, &
(fired soon)
pretty much anything based in reality. Rick Sactorum once stated,
“We’re never going to have the smart people on our side”. No, you
won’t. But you’ll have loudly insane dumb people thinkin’ they are
GOP Bigot Blurt & The “Racist Boca Flag”
Wow, Republican racism can’t ever seem to ‘hide’ in the shadows
like old days. It is now just the “displayed fact” for all to see daily
(Um, what?)
Minnesota R-Pat Garofalo decided to tweet this “gem” yesterday:
“Let’s be honest, 70% of teams in NBA could fold
tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference w/
possible exception of increase in streetcrime”
Quite a charmer we got there. Git er done Pat! As usual, he(like all)
Republican’s show no remorse for hate, just shrug like “What?!?!?!
I’m just telling your like it is, just speaking the truth here!!!”. Their
voter outreach is going great *winks thumbs up w/a big fake smile*
Said it before, & I’ll say it again. Not all Republican’s are racist, but
today, all racists are Republican. The facts, statistics, & voting base
all bare this out. Pretty soon, with the exit doors popping at unseen
levels the first statement may sadly ‘be true’ in about three years or
less. Speaking of “dumbass goofy racists”. In Boca Raton, a big guy
(Superior? Ah, no)
decided to fly his KKK flag loud & proud, & with a ‘noose’ next to it
He said a noose hanging next to the flag is, “Indicative of nothing!”
Really?! Wow, holy fuck balls. He refused to state his full name so,
he goes by Mr. Hayes. And this is a “shocker”, he lives in a “Mobile
Home”. This moron doesn’t understand how society works, or how
“fighting words” or “incitement” restrict our free speech. A high IQ
can be fleeting for some, but dumb lasts forever; & he’s got plenty
Have a day!