Pappy St. Hatricks Day!

March 17th, 2014

Sorry, I’m clearly still drunk from last years events. Liver damage,

schimver damage, am I right!?!?! *Johns clutches his side wincing*

(that’s green)

This weekend in Chicago kicked the ass off a donkey. The river was

green, booze was flowing, & “bagpipes” were “blasting our bleeding

ears off. We ran into these very cool people from Crystal Lake at an

Irish joint called The Gage(get the Scotch Egg, it’s good). It was the

cats tits. Yeah that’s my new phrase I’m working on that will clearly

never catch on…….ever. I also tried “pigeons poop”, & “babies barf”

Republican Paul Ryan, decided to wade into the ‘urban experience’

with horrific results. Well gee, what did he say that was SO bad?!?!

“We have got this tailspin of culture, in our inner cities in particular, of men
not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or
learning the value & the culture of work. There is a real culture problem here
that has to be dealt with”. So when called out on this dog whistle racism said:
“This has nothing to do whatsoever with race. It never even occurred to me”

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh for fucks sake. The guy knew exactly what

he was saying. He quoted Charles Murry, known racist fuck factory

When you quote white nationalists publicly, please don’t pretend it

was “poorly worded”. It wasn’t, it was, “clearly heard” by ALL of us

So, I guess Paul Ryan’s, “Neo-Confederate Racist” voter outreach is

going great! As if the remaining Republican party isn’t already that

This gutless dick bucket hasn’t been to the ‘inner city’. It’s a “punch

line” to these talking dirt buttons. Maybe, Paul should get off “HIS”

government welfare program. We are all paying him, to do nothing

And for him to go on radio to spew the Southern Strategy; which is

fading into the darkness, never to be seen again. Keep it up bigots,

so then you, and Mitch McConnell, can all get trounced at the polls

Last I checked, “Vote for us because we hate minorities” isn’t such

(Captain Creepy Smile)

an uplifting message now is it?!? When you have nothing of policy

substance to run on aside from discrimination your campaign vids

look like this. With no talking, no policy, no facts, no nothing. Just

a creepy as all fuck smile hoping people don’t see the fraud you are

Meh, ANY politician Dem or Rep who offers nothing valid should be

be called out & shown the door. Noticed the TeaOP has more lately

Tomorrow: Jet is still missing, points to highjack landing elsewhere

Have a green day!

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