There are many farts, for many occasions. So each, have their
moment in the sun, to let you back door burp fly. What’s your
(truth hurts)
favorite? So many to choose from. Here’s a solid “starter” list:
-Shit Shack Slack Squeakers(tiny mouse farts)
-Deadly Dirt Button Dandy’s(egg like in smell)
-Mega Mud Cage Melt-downs(loud, & reeking)
-The Gambler(fart too hard, then shit your pants)
-Brown-eye Dry Thigh Cry(bounces off chair & leg)
-The Double Play(fart in hand, then throw it at pal)
-Brass Band Butt Barf(that tuba sounding one)
-Classy Sassy Assy Gassy(fart loud with a monocle)
-Back-door Double Barrel Blowout(hold nothing back)
Now it is your turn, go make up your own, name em, & enjoy
Which ever fart is your favorite go shout it from the roof tops!
Skiing this weekend with best half Sunny, so no broken bones
Monday: Hey Political Parties, Stop Shooting The Messenger
Have a weekend!
September 4th, 2023 - 2:34 pm
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